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Eligible applications: Arts & Culture

Total budget £7,600

Lino Printing - Everyone an Artist

Everyone an Artist

2024-01-12  •  5 comments  •  ellieswanston1999  •  Arts & Culture

Last year, Everyone an Artist allowed a group of adults from across North Ayrshire to take part in a free six week art workshop where we used clay, learned how to cut and print lino blocks, and drawing techniques. Alongside the practical skills they gained, this opportunity offered the artists to build upon their self confidence, boosted their mental wellbeing and allowed them to meet new people. We would like to run this workshop again this year, but offer new techniques to learn with more materials. The project will run from the North Ayrshire Foodbank's new space on Glasgow Street, for six weeks (once a week) at evening time, to allow people time to come in from work.

proposed project breakdown: Lead artist - £168 hall rent and materials - £232 

Stevenston Livingstone players panto 261123 cast and crew[16033].jpg

Stage Effect Lighting project

2024-01-05  •  No comments  •  Livingstone Players  •  Arts & Culture

 Livingstone Players are looking to improve lighting in order to enhance production and enable a wider array of special effects. More professional lighting can make a huge difference to the audience experience. The plan is to have another person helping behind the scenes and ideally give a younger person this experience. The would learn to create a chase effect and the illusion of movement across the stage. The equipment also has a blinder effect that can be used between scenes to disorientate the audience. The third technigue would be to use wash lights to fill a scene with colour.

The project would last the duration of equipment and we would intend to try and replace if it brokedown. 

The cost £199 each including postage so 2 are required to cover whole stage totalling £398


St. Matthew's Academy Parent Council

St. Matthew's Parent Council - Intergenerational Photography Exhibition

2024-01-06  •  No comments  •  St. Matthew's Academy Parent Council  •  Arts & Culture

In order to develop this project, the Parent Council aims to assist the Art Department with provision of cameras.  Existing photography equipment is in short supply within the school, so in order to ensure that each pupil has access to a high quality, specialist camera, we aim to purchase two bridge cameras.  This will allow pupils to develop and demonstrate skills in photography beyond that of a mobile phone camera.

The cost of an entry level bridge camera is around £200.  We would like to ask for funding to purchase two, costing £400 in total.

The exhibtion costs will be minimal, as it will take place on screen within the school and the Parent Council meeting any additional expenses such as refreshments.

Bypass Art

Murder Mystery Event by Bypass Art

2024-01-07  •  4 comments  •  Julie  •  Arts & Culture

This project is about providing an opportunity for people to meet up and enjoy an evening of company with their friends and other community members.

It’s about experiencing a live theatre event and enjoying a wee bit of lighthearted entertainment.

There’s audience participation, there’s quietly discussing your theories so nearby tables can’t hear you and there’s plenty of laughs.

And it’s about identifying the murderer!

The event will be held in a Dalry venue and costs include:

Hall Hire  - £100

Refreshments £50

Audio and light equipment £200

Promotion £50 



Betsy Miller Awareness Pop-Up Event

2023-12-27  •  No comments  •  glennturner50  •  Arts & Culture

SeaSalt Streets intend to use the events to highlight awareness of Betsy Miller, Britain's 1st Female Sea Captain. born in Saltcoats. 

The project will be presented in two formats and will be run on two separate days.

(A) A pop-up exhibition / workshop, using the gazebo purchased with our successful PB award. The gallery will contain information and photographs of Betsy Miller and her life. It is hoped to include a video presentation to enhance the experience. 

(B) A short talking / guided tour, starting in Quay Street, Saltcoats, the place of Betsy's birth with display plaque. The walk will then proceed to Canal Place to the pier gates where the waggonway led to Saltcoats harbour. From there, the tour will head to Saltcoats Harbour itself and the Harbourmasters' House and a meeting with "Betsy Miller" herself. The short tour will conclude at The Heritage Centre graveyard where Betsy Miller is buried.

Breakdown of costs 

Tour guide - 2 days @ £75.00 per day =          £150 

Betsy Lookalike - 2 days @ £60.00 per day = £120 

Advertising and promotional material          = £100

This project is intended to break down barriers with people who might not normally engage with history, culture or the arts, and try to ensure their future involvement. Our target audience will be anyone visiting, working or passing through Saltcoats Town Centre at the duration of the events. Anagram quizes and  colouring in sheets will encourage intergenerational working between children, parents/carers and grandparents. All participation is at no cost. 



market & tent.jpeg

Events Arran community group present the Arran Rock n Blues Festival 2024

2023-12-17  •  No comments  •  Howe  •  Arts & Culture

Unlike the previous three festivals we are going to Lochranza this year. The primary reason for this is the need for accommodation.  We are working in collaboration with the Lochranza outdoor centre, the hotel, campsite and youth hostel to ensure we can host our visitors. We believe the commercial input to all of these businesses will help them survive as in recent years they have struggled.  We are giving opportunities for young people to play at the festival and particularly encouraging original Scottish artists.  We are also hoping for a small acoustic stage for local musicians too.  We have a large following of blues fans from previous festivals and are well know by the Blues music press.  We wish the £400 to help support the cost of hiring the hall to allow us to give the artists the best possible experience.  We will also run a market similar to ones on the Green in Lamlash and at Santa’s Sparkles.  We have a market license.  Our biggest cost is paying for band accommodation & fees.   Our provisional costings are shown on the attached document and we need to raise money to ensure we can cover our costs. 


Irvine and Dreghorn Youth Band

Irvine and Dreghorn Brass

2024-01-05  •  No comments  •  Alister C  •  Arts & Culture

Irvine and Dreghorn Brass provides opportunities for young people in our community to learn music, play in a group and perform at competitions and concerts. Playing and experiencing music has major health and well-being benefits for participants and audiences alike.

We provide free music lessons and access to brass and percussion instruments for young people to learn. There is a learning pathway and once young people learn the basics of playing they can join our youth band. The youth band has members from various schools in North Ayrshire including Dreghorn, Glebe, Ardeer, and Springside Primaries, Greenwood Academy, Irvine Royal and St. Matthews.

We perform at 5 - 6 concerts each year, also competitions, festivals and some school events. Young people can also play with our other bands at community events e.g. Marymass parades.

Our request is for £400 to be spent as follows.

Musical instruments - £350.  Sheet music £50

Project supports health and well-being

Most of the funding would be spent on instruments that enable more people to play. Learner cornets and trombones cost between £150-200 per instrument. Demand for our services is growing and our membership has growing  significantly in the past 2 years.




2024-01-03  •  1 comment  •  DALRY BURNS CLUB  •  Arts & Culture

In 2025, again we will be supporting the Arts and Cultural whereever possible,Within our club, the members are very generous by donating each year, funds to help in this endeavor..Allready we have  gifted £200 to the Dalry Station Garden Group to provide bedding and new plants and shrubs into large steel planters  we previously gifted to the station platforms to assist with the cultural needs of the community.

Again in 2025 our club will once again be promoting the works of Robert Burns, within the local primary schools. All the children ( P! to P7 )  and parents alike, look forward to participating in the the singing and recitation competitions, organised by the Club and with the assistance of the schools teachers,The winner in each class all receiving  Amazon gift vouchers and certificates for all particpants.and  moreover the Club then supports parents and children,  going on to travel to Ayr, where the all Ayrshire iFinals take place. We pay for and organise tranport.

We estimate this year the costs will be £1500 for this particular venture. We are asking  £400. The  cost breakdown is as follows

1) DALRY PRIMARY SCHOOL Scheduled  Feb 2025 £200 will be spent on medals and prizes for the children

2) ST.PALLADIUS PRIMARY SCHOOL Proposed in early March 2025 £200 will be spent on medals and prizes for the children

The  Club will provide the  funds, by holding a raffle at our main meeting, which is our annual Burns Supper.Any shortfall we propose to cover from our general fund.

Coisir Ghaidhlig Arainn first night

Coisir Ghaidhlig Arainn- Arran Gaelic Choir

2023-11-16  •  5 comments  •  Coisir Ghaidhlig Arainn  •  Arts & Culture

Hall Hire 26x24                                                                                                   £624

Purchase of Music including prescribed MOD fees                                                 £500

Fees to pianist and conductor                                                                              £750

Potential travel and accomodation costs if we go to Oban                                     (£2,500)

The descreipton of the project is formation of Arran Gaelic Choir and their projected expenses in year one. the MOD costs are indication only and we will fundraise for this.£1874.00 is out total expected budget cost this year it would be really useful to have your financial support towards the purchase of music and royalties to An Comunn.

The 400 will be used to cover the cost of entry and travel to the mod, as well as cover the prescribed music. 
