Events Arran community group present the Arran Rock n Blues Festival 2024

Investment project code: 475
Estimated Price
Unlike the previous three festivals we are going to Lochranza this year. The primary reason for this is the need for accommodation. We are working in collaboration with the Lochranza outdoor centre, the hotel, campsite and youth hostel to ensure we can host our visitors. We believe the commercial input to all of these businesses will help them survive as in recent years they have struggled. We are giving opportunities for young people to play at the festival and particularly encouraging original Scottish artists. We are also hoping for a small acoustic stage for local musicians too. We have a large following of blues fans from previous festivals and are well know by the Blues music press. We wish the £400 to help support the cost of hiring the hall to allow us to give the artists the best possible experience. We will also run a market similar to ones on the Green in Lamlash and at Santa’s Sparkles. We have a market license. Our biggest cost is paying for band accommodation & fees. Our provisional costings are shown on the attached document and we need to raise money to ensure we can cover our costs.
Location: Events Arran has been running for over 8 years origianlly set up to keep The Santa's Sparkle event going, then the Rock and Blues Festival and Arran makers project including craft markets.
Proposed on behalf of: Events Arran (Limited liability community company)
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