Coisir Ghaidhlig Arainn- Arran Gaelic Choir

Investment project code: 471
Estimated Price
Gaelic is very much alive on Arran with a good number of reasonably competent learner and native speakers from all parts of the community including several part time folk singers and two professionals, we also have a well known Bardach author.We have an annual feish and through the Arran Music School we have a pipe band and a plethora of clarsach and fiddle players.
It has beed agreed that we establish an Arran Gaelic Choir open at first to adults over 18 the inagural practice took place on Tuesday 14th November at the Ormidale Pavillion Brodick and we enjoyed learning two new songs with a target to sing at the Christmas Carol Service on the 18th of December.Another close target is the potential to attend the annual MOD in Oban 2024.
We have agreed to meet on a two weekly basis on a Monday and to organise Zoom meetings in between,a President,Treasurer and Social Media administrator have been appointed and our basic constitution is attached.
Currently we are without funds although we are considering a couple of fundraising events including concerts, we do however have a need for funds as summarised below, we would welcome your contribution of £400 together with fundraising each member if able will pay a subscription of £10 per month and a £2 attendance fee to support hall hire.
Hall Hire 26x24 £624
Purchase of Music including prescribed MOD fees £500
Fees to pianist and conductor £750
Potential travel and accomodation costs if we go to Oban (£2,500)
The descreipton of the project is formation of Arran Gaelic Choir and their projected expenses in year one. the MOD costs are indication only and we will fundraise for this.£1874.00 is out total expected budget cost this year it would be really useful to have your financial support towards the purchase of music and royalties to An Comunn.
The 400 will be used to cover the cost of entry and travel to the mod, as well as cover the prescribed music.
Location: Our organisation is open to all adult members of the Arran community and our aspiration is that gaelic culture will benefit and grow with public awareness and participation island wide.The whole community will benefit including tourisim,culture and well being of the community as a whole
We look forward to being supported and would ask that you vote for this application
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This choir, in its infancy, needs your support. Please vote for it.
This choir, in its infancy, needs your support. Please vote for it.
I hope that this new choir on Arran will be successful and over time attract more and more participants, young and old.