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Pathway into Music for North Ayrshire School Pupils
2023-12-21 • 3 comments • • Arts & Culture
In conjunction with North Ayrshire Council Music Services, Music@Wellwood would organise a Strings Masterclass with Head of Strings at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Andrea Gajic. Andrea Gajic can provide guidance, technical advice and possible progression pathways into music for the young people taking part.
Opportunities such as this have proven to strengthen access to music within North Ayrshire with young musicians supporting community groups and continuing to work within the community and schools promoting music as a career path and as an important educational tool which can continue to be a lifetime benefit.
In addition to an afternoon Masterclass in the Wellwood Burns Centre & Music, the young people would be invited to attend an evening performance by Andrea Gajic in Wellwood.
Provision of the afternoon Masterclass would cost £275. Attendance of 10 young people (approx. number) at the evening performance in Wellwood would be £100.
Afternoon refreshments for the young people attending the afternoon Masterclass £25. Any costs associated with the use of the Wellwood Burns Centre & Music would be met by Music@Wellwood.
Art for Isolation with Lynn McNally
2024-01-15 • 5 comments • • Arts & Culture
The funds would cover 4 x 2 hour creative sessions. Sessions would be completely free to attendees and we could facilitate 12 individuals attending per workshop. Workshops would include Silk painting, felt making, and glass painting. We are applying for £400 to cover tutor fee of £240 per 4 sessions and £160 to cover materials (Silk, paints, merino wool, glass products, glass paints for 12 attendees). The project will aim to bring people together who may otherwise be isolated. The purpose is to improve social isolation, mental health and well being, improve skills and confidence as well as create some community spirit amongst attendees.
Coisir Ghaidhlig Arainn- Arran Gaelic Choir
2023-11-16 • 5 comments • • Arts & Culture
Hall Hire 26x24 £624
Purchase of Music including prescribed MOD fees £500
Fees to pianist and conductor £750
Potential travel and accomodation costs if we go to Oban (£2,500)
The descreipton of the project is formation of Arran Gaelic Choir and their projected expenses in year one. the MOD costs are indication only and we will fundraise for this.£1874.00 is out total expected budget cost this year it would be really useful to have your financial support towards the purchase of music and royalties to An Comunn.
The 400 will be used to cover the cost of entry and travel to the mod, as well as cover the prescribed music.
The Arran International Festival of Chamber Music and Song
2024-01-07 • 1 comment • • Arts & Culture
We are founding the Arran International Festival of Chamber Music and Song and the inaugural festival will run from 22nd to 25th August 2024. The festival's aim is to celebrate Arran's rich natural and cultural heritage, to promote international cultural exchange by bringing leading international artists to the island and to include the local community in the creative process. There's a wealth of local talent, creativity and culture on Arran and a key part of the annual festival programme will be performances by both young and established local musicians alike.
The beauty of music and art is the power it has to bring people together across borders. The founding ethos of the festival is, 'getting across borders', in a world where so many lines are being drawn in the sand.
Last summer, in collaboration with the Arran Theatre and Arts Trust, the local business, Arran Active, and the island community radio station, Arran Sound, we organised a free concert on 18th August in Corrie and Sannox Village Hall, as a prelude, an introduction to the proposed launch of the festival. We wanted to gauge the reception of the local community to the idea of the festival and to invite members of the community to be involved from the outset. The concert was a great success, standing room only, and we received universal approval, warmth and support for establishing the festival. (documents relating to this initial concert are uploaded with this application)
The inaugural festival programme is currently in development and will be officially announced in early spring 2024. As of the submission of this application, events look as follows:
Event 1, opening concert, an evening with Richard Morrison & Company, featuring The Songs of Travel by Robert Louis Stevenson and Rantin Rovin Robin, a musical show celebrating the life and work of Scotland’s greatest literary figure, Robert Burns, through his own songs, verse and letters. Whiting Bay Hall, 7:30pm
Event 2, an afternoon chamber concert featuring a string ensemble of local musicians, artists tbc. Brodick Parish Church, 2:00pm
Event 3, a candlelit evening concert featuring local young musicians, artists tbc. Brodick Parish Church, 7:00pm
Event 4, outreach event, an illustrated talk by Dr. Sigrid Rieuwerts of Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, founder of the Society for Scottish Studies in Europe. Sigrid will talk about Culture and the beauty of nations, preserving the authenticity of cultures, heritage and the importance of local voices. Arran Heritage Museum, 1:00pm
Event 5, a unique concert event at Brodick Castle, International Cellists Gary Hoffman & Lydia Shelley will play Bach’s 6 Cello Suites, in three sittings, also including the UK Premiere of a work by the French Composer, Graciane Finzi. Brodick Castle Drawing Room at 3:00pm, 5:00pm & 7:00pm.
Event 6, a farewell musical get together and free-for-all featuring guest and local musicians at the Douglas Hotel, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Artist fees: £8400; Artist & production travel: £2800; Accommodation & catering: £2400; Venue & event production costs: £1150; Festival administration costs, including management, promotion and publicity: £2000
Total budget: £16,750
The £400 would be spent on the purchase of special candles, which will adorn Brodick Parish Church for our candlelit concert on Friday 23rd August, featuring the young artists of Arran. We are delighted to report that a World Premiere composition by the highly regarded young Arran composer, Electra Perivolaris, will be performed that night by the young local flautist, Lucy Walsh. The candles in question are quite specific as we can't use real candles with naked flames - and once we have purchased these candles, we will be able to use them in other festival concerts and events in coming years.
2024-01-03 • 1 comment • • Arts & Culture
In 2025, again we will be supporting the Arts and Cultural whereever possible,Within our club, the members are very generous by donating each year, funds to help in this endeavor..Allready we have gifted £200 to the Dalry Station Garden Group to provide bedding and new plants and shrubs into large steel planters we previously gifted to the station platforms to assist with the cultural needs of the community.
Again in 2025 our club will once again be promoting the works of Robert Burns, within the local primary schools. All the children ( P! to P7 ) and parents alike, look forward to participating in the the singing and recitation competitions, organised by the Club and with the assistance of the schools teachers,The winner in each class all receiving Amazon gift vouchers and certificates for all particpants.and moreover the Club then supports parents and children, going on to travel to Ayr, where the all Ayrshire iFinals take place. We pay for and organise tranport.
We estimate this year the costs will be £1500 for this particular venture. We are asking £400. The cost breakdown is as follows
1) DALRY PRIMARY SCHOOL Scheduled Feb 2025 £200 will be spent on medals and prizes for the children
2) ST.PALLADIUS PRIMARY SCHOOL Proposed in early March 2025 £200 will be spent on medals and prizes for the children
The Club will provide the funds, by holding a raffle at our main meeting, which is our annual Burns Supper.Any shortfall we propose to cover from our general fund.
Everyone an Artist
2024-01-12 • 5 comments • • Arts & Culture
Last year, Everyone an Artist allowed a group of adults from across North Ayrshire to take part in a free six week art workshop where we used clay, learned how to cut and print lino blocks, and drawing techniques. Alongside the practical skills they gained, this opportunity offered the artists to build upon their self confidence, boosted their mental wellbeing and allowed them to meet new people. We would like to run this workshop again this year, but offer new techniques to learn with more materials. The project will run from the North Ayrshire Foodbank's new space on Glasgow Street, for six weeks (once a week) at evening time, to allow people time to come in from work.
proposed project breakdown: Lead artist - £168 hall rent and materials - £232
Murder Mystery Event by Bypass Art
2024-01-07 • 4 comments • • Arts & Culture
This project is about providing an opportunity for people to meet up and enjoy an evening of company with their friends and other community members.
It’s about experiencing a live theatre event and enjoying a wee bit of lighthearted entertainment.
There’s audience participation, there’s quietly discussing your theories so nearby tables can’t hear you and there’s plenty of laughs.
And it’s about identifying the murderer!
The event will be held in a Dalry venue and costs include:
Hall Hire - £100
Refreshments £50
Audio and light equipment £200
Promotion £50
Oor Hame (Coast Collective Documentary)
2024-01-14 • 11 comments • • Arts & Culture
Hame is a project looking at what hame (home, for those unfamiliar with Ayrshire accents) means.
Hame is, ideally, a place of safety, warmth and shelter, but it's not just our roof and walls. For many of us, our hame is our place of belonging; it's a playground where we're free to let our inner selves be. But it's also more than that; hame is also our friends and neighbours.
Documentary photographer and West Kilbride resident Mandy Edwards has been engaging with her neighbours, to find what makes hame for them, but also to discover more about what their presence means to her own sense of hame. This is captured in a succession of images and words to be shown in the Barony during March 2024.
Alongside the exhibition, workshops are being run to encourage young people (two groups; 8-11, 12-16) to explore what makes their hame, both within and outside their own walls; the resulting responses will be exhibited in the windows of the shops in the village, so that we build a picture of the faces that make a community of our hame. We're intending to produce the images for the shop windows ready for April, and the open air exhibition will provide an attraction during the Easter holidays.
Funding would help meet the costs of renting space for the workshops in the Barony Centre (£118), purchase of single use cameras for the 8-11 group (£144), developing and printing of images (£138)
Garnock Valley community concert band
2024-01-07 • 1 comment • • Arts & Culture
We are looking to further strengthen the band .
By purchasing banners to promote the band at fundraising events. This will give the band a better presence , and encourage musicians from the area to come forward .
Ecoprint banners. Budget banners with a bases
We are in need of new music stands, and music to add to our library. The band is now of a high standard , but easier , more welcoming pieces are necessary in our library to invite less experienced players, or players returning after a long break We would also like to purchase some music to highlight the abilities of the sections within the band
orchestral music stands @ £22 each
stand bag @ £6 each
Scores from £50
Money would be spent as follows
Promotional goods £110
Replacement stands £150
Music £140
Garnock Valley Pipes and Drums
2024-01-15 • No comments • • Arts & Culture
The project runs along with term time, with lessons after school in half hour blocks for groups of up to five.
The tutors are paid at a rate of £40.50 per hour, and work a combined three hours each week.
40.50x3 = £121 per week.
This fund will provide tuition fees for our tutors. The feedback we have had from this project so far has been fantastic, and is only possible with continued funding & fundraising efforts.
I will upload a file documenting the feedback we have had from the first few months of the project.