Art for Isolation with Lynn McNally

Investment project code: 506
Estimated Price
Arts workshops open to the public to tackle social isolation. The workshops would take place in partnership with KA Leisure and sessions would take place free of charge within a KA building. This will give adults in the community, the opportunity to come together in a group setting and learn new skills, meet new people, build confidence, and improve mental health and wellbeing whilst working with a North Ayrshire Artist, Lynn McNally.
The funds would cover 4 x 2 hour creative sessions. Sessions would be completely free to attendees and we could facilitate 12 individuals attending per workshop. Workshops would include Silk painting, felt making, and glass painting. We are applying for £400 to cover tutor fee of £240 per 4 sessions and £160 to cover materials (Silk, paints, merino wool, glass products, glass paints for 12 attendees). The project will aim to bring people together who may otherwise be isolated. The purpose is to improve social isolation, mental health and well being, improve skills and confidence as well as create some community spirit amongst attendees.
Location: KA Leisure is a registered charity committed to creating opportunities, inspiring people and changing lives.
Proposed on behalf of: Lynn McNally (community art tutor) & Active lifestyles
Sounds like a fantastic project for a worthy cause.
Sounds like a fantastic project for a worthy cause.
Sounds like a fantastic project for a worthy cause.
Sounds like a fantastic project for a worthy cause.
Sounds like a fantastic project for a worthy cause.