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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £24,725

Adult Drama

Triple Act Theatre and Arts: Adult Drama

2023-08-24  •  2 comments  •  TripleAct  •  Three Towns

Building upon the foundation of our longstanding Adult Drama group, which has been a source of empowerment for individuals, aged 18+, in the Three Towns and North Ayrshire since 2015, we are excited to offer immersive classes led by industry professionals. Our goal is to inspire both our current attendees and newcomers to refine their acting abilities, delve into the art of scriptwriting, and showcase their own creative performances. Our vision for this current group entails the creation of a unique performance that will unfurl as participants embark on this artistic journey, rekindling a captivating local Scottish legend, ‘The Flannan Isle mystery’.  Under the guidance of a professional Theatre director and theatre maker, participants will cultivate skills in devising, improvisation, script interpretation, and enhancing their vocal and physical performance prowess. Our mission goes beyond just creative growth. In the aftermath of the COVID-19, many people have struggled with isolation, loneliness and lacking confidence in social situations, our Adult Drama group offers individuals a chance to join a group of likeminded people and reduce social isolation. We believe in promoting enhanced mental well-being and fostering adaptable skills that extend beyond our sessions, including, contributing to securing employment prospects and educational opportunities. Our classes are be situated within local venues, which are easily accessible by public transport or within walking distance, which also promotes exercise and physical health. We prioritize marginalized communities in our initiatives, striving for equity. Our Adult Drama class is offered at an affordable price and to make sure participants are given the chance to attend and are not hindered by financial barriers. Over the years, we've nurtured a vibrant community of passionate Arts enthusiasts, nurturing camaraderie, and enthusiasm among our members. Our aspiration is to nurture and expand this Adult Drama group, ultimately creating a performance that instils a sense of local pride within the Three Towns, forging partnerships with local businesses and venues, and fostering connections that contribute to the physical and mental well-being of our participants and the community at large.

Project Costings:

Theatre Facilitator: - £400

Performance/Venue Space - £150

Set/Props/Costume - £200

Marketing - £100

Administration Costs - £150

Total - £1000

Dementia Cafe

Dementia Befriending, Wellbeing Cafes - Ayrshire independent Living Network

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Ayrshire Independent Living Network  •  Three Towns

Dementia Wellbeing Cafe has recently opened on the 21st July and runs every Friday in the Argyll Community Centre from 1-3pm.  It is for people living with demenita and the unpaid carer, friend or family member to come along to have a chat and a cuppa and meet other likeminded people to provide support.  There is also releveant support organisations that come along to answer any questions. 

The money will be used to reemburse volunteer expenses, replensih cafe stock e.g. tea/coffee biscuits etc to enable us to continue to provide the cafe free to people to, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to people attending. 



Makin' Chat

2023-09-14  •  1 comment  •  ellieswanston1999  •  Three Towns

The idea for this group is that they will meet regularly to talk it out, to make things, or bake things and to carve out a space for themselves to do things that they would like to do. Often socialising as adults involves alcohol and costs money. After recently running an arts and crafts course, It was clear within the feedback I received that people want and need something to look forward to, something regular and reliable that allows them to do something for themselves - to meet new people and just have a chat, about anything and everything. 

At the first session I would like everyone to come together, to generate ideas of things they would like to do within the group, any activities, conversations or new skills they'd like to learn. This could be anything from crotcheing to baking, from arts and crafts to having guest speakers in, games nights or simply just a cup of tea and a chat. 

This group aims to build a sense of community spirit, to reduce social isolation and promote positive mental health and wellbeing through the simple act of socialising. the group would be open to any adults who would like to come along, from any background and any walk of life. 


Proposed breakdown of costs:

This project will run in partnership with the North Ayrshire Foodbank, they have offered to match the funding requested by this application, in order to allow the group to run for as long as possible. 

  • £1000 - materials/ ingredients/ equipment for activities 

There is light

2023-09-07  •  No comments  •  Whitlees centre  •  Three Towns

Therapy group getting together with people in the group for chats , tea coffee , meeting once a week with special people coming in to talk to the group 

theraphy sessions £40 hour £880 

which can be group therapy also other group joining. 


Flying Start Toddler Group

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Josephine Coulter  •  Three Towns

We are appying for support to allow us to provide Baby Sensory classes to our members.  Baby sensory is a fully interactive session which includes music, bubbles , puppets and sensory experiences. 

By supporting the parents and carers to bond, form attachments and play with their child the child's health and wellbeing is improved and they thrive in a safe environment. This early intervention results in better outcomes for all. The babies and children have the opportunity to mix with children of their own age and stage of development and this leads to learning how to socially interact appropriately with others.

The sessions are open to all and are led by a professional in child development.

The classes cost £50 per session 


Radio Studio improvements

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  3tfm  •  Three Towns

Our Synergy Broadcast unit needs an upgrade to enable us to interview guests and to host groups of people in the studio. The upgrade will cost about £100. We'd also like to get some better seating for presenters and guests, which will cost £560. The seating would allow presenters better access to the controls and allow more people to be seated around the broadcast unit. 

Three Towns Champions Discovery Award

The Three Towns Champions Discovery Award (3TCDA)

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  Three Towns Champions Discovery Award  •  Three Towns

The project is about getting older people who are aged 50+ active, engaged socially and involved in their community. Its about increasing resilience, improve wellness and mental health and importantly having fun and trying something new. Participants can also complete A Discovery Award. This is a great way to recognise their achievements at the group. The award has 4 key sections; a Journey of Discovery visit a place of interest and share the experience, Volunteering in the Community, a Leisure Pursuit that promotes wellness and health and finally a Hobby or Interest. 

Group members through the 3TCDA have volunteered and continue to volunteer at a great variety groups and projects such as Eglinton Park, a dementia friendly cafe, a community larder, a charity shop a community a cafe. Participants have also done dog walking for neighbours who are not physically able to do so. Through the Journey of Discovery participants have visited many local heritage sites and place of interest in North Ayrshire and further afield, they have shared their hobbies and interests with each other. We find that all of this raises’ members confidence and creates a sense of belonging, a spirit of positive ownership of community projects and contributes to our overall wellbeing. The project offers free or affordable activities to those in our community who otherwise may not be able to take part in these social and community opportunities because of the cost of living crisis.  

As the working group for the 3TCDA we are looking for funding to ensure that we can continue to offer older people accessible, positive social, interest based and accessible opportunities in the community that they live in.  

Transport costs £200

Entrance Fees - £300

Hospitality - £200

Resources for projects  - £300

Stevenston Christmas Tree

Stevenston North Christmas Cracker

2023-09-08  •  No comments  •  Stevenston North Community Association  •  Three Towns

To book the mobile cinema for one session - £250

Purchase of food for a meal for 120 individuals  at £3.50 per head - £420

Snacks for during the film for 120 at £1.50 per head - £180

Selections boxes for  children - £150


Doon The Beach Fun Day 2024

2023-09-16  •  No comments  •  Doon The Beach  •  Three Towns

To provide a low cost (for families) familly fun day for all to enjoy.

Pony / Donkey £650.00

Alpacas £250.00

Petting Zoo £160.00

Inflatables £650.00

Face Painter  £150.00

50 Plus Club

Senior Citizens Over 50s Club (Hayocks Hall, Stevenston)

2023-09-05  •  No comments  •  over50stevenston  •  Three Towns

We meet every Monday in the Hayocks Hall, Stevenston. The aim for the funds raised will go towards local senior citizens having activities within their local community, this will prevent loneliness and will also benefit physical and mental health, we play bingo and have quizzes, this funding will also help contribute towards prizes to keep members motivated.   

The funding we're applying for will go towards:

  • £580 for bus trips, having this funding means members from all financial situations can be involved. 
  • £420 for yearly events such as Christmas Dinner, Burns Night and Easter. 