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Senior Citizens Over 50s Club (Hayocks Hall, Stevenston)

O over50stevenston  •  2023-09-05  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

50 Plus Club
50 Plus Club

Investment project code: 268

Estimated Price



Senior citizens 50 plus club, all funds raised will go towards raffles, bus trips, and general well being of club members. 


We meet every Monday in the Hayocks Hall, Stevenston. The aim for the funds raised will go towards local senior citizens having activities within their local community, this will prevent loneliness and will also benefit physical and mental health, we play bingo and have quizzes, this funding will also help contribute towards prizes to keep members motivated.   

The funding we're applying for will go towards:

  • £580 for bus trips, having this funding means members from all financial situations can be involved. 
  • £420 for yearly events such as Christmas Dinner, Burns Night and Easter. 

Location: We are a senior citizens club with over 45 members with the oldest being 90 years old. We aim to make a difference in the older community within North Ayrshire and prevent loneliness

Don't have defined milestones