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Makin' Chat

E ellieswanston1999  •  2023-09-14  •  1 comment  •  Three Towns  • 


Investment project code: 395

Estimated Price



 I would like to set up a social group for adults that meets regularly at the Ardrossan Church of the Nazarene. This will provide a space and time for people to relax, socialise and have a bit of fun.


The idea for this group is that they will meet regularly to talk it out, to make things, or bake things and to carve out a space for themselves to do things that they would like to do. Often socialising as adults involves alcohol and costs money. After recently running an arts and crafts course, It was clear within the feedback I received that people want and need something to look forward to, something regular and reliable that allows them to do something for themselves - to meet new people and just have a chat, about anything and everything. 

At the first session I would like everyone to come together, to generate ideas of things they would like to do within the group, any activities, conversations or new skills they'd like to learn. This could be anything from crotcheing to baking, from arts and crafts to having guest speakers in, games nights or simply just a cup of tea and a chat. 

This group aims to build a sense of community spirit, to reduce social isolation and promote positive mental health and wellbeing through the simple act of socialising. the group would be open to any adults who would like to come along, from any background and any walk of life. 


Proposed breakdown of costs:

This project will run in partnership with the North Ayrshire Foodbank, they have offered to match the funding requested by this application, in order to allow the group to run for as long as possible. 

  • £1000 - materials/ ingredients/ equipment for activities 

Location: I am a participatory artist who works with groups of people to build confidence, sense of self-worth and provide a safe space to have fun.

Proposed on behalf of: Ellie Swanston in partnership with the North Ayrshire Foodbank

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