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Triple Act Theatre and Arts: Adult Drama

T TripleAct  •  2023-08-24  •  2 comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Adult Drama
Adult Drama

Investment project code: 212

Estimated Price



We aim to elevate and expand our Adult Drama group centred in the Three Towns, offering participants the opportunity to perform a devised performance in a local arts venue.


Building upon the foundation of our longstanding Adult Drama group, which has been a source of empowerment for individuals, aged 18+, in the Three Towns and North Ayrshire since 2015, we are excited to offer immersive classes led by industry professionals. Our goal is to inspire both our current attendees and newcomers to refine their acting abilities, delve into the art of scriptwriting, and showcase their own creative performances. Our vision for this current group entails the creation of a unique performance that will unfurl as participants embark on this artistic journey, rekindling a captivating local Scottish legend, ‘The Flannan Isle mystery’.  Under the guidance of a professional Theatre director and theatre maker, participants will cultivate skills in devising, improvisation, script interpretation, and enhancing their vocal and physical performance prowess. Our mission goes beyond just creative growth. In the aftermath of the COVID-19, many people have struggled with isolation, loneliness and lacking confidence in social situations, our Adult Drama group offers individuals a chance to join a group of likeminded people and reduce social isolation. We believe in promoting enhanced mental well-being and fostering adaptable skills that extend beyond our sessions, including, contributing to securing employment prospects and educational opportunities. Our classes are be situated within local venues, which are easily accessible by public transport or within walking distance, which also promotes exercise and physical health. We prioritize marginalized communities in our initiatives, striving for equity. Our Adult Drama class is offered at an affordable price and to make sure participants are given the chance to attend and are not hindered by financial barriers. Over the years, we've nurtured a vibrant community of passionate Arts enthusiasts, nurturing camaraderie, and enthusiasm among our members. Our aspiration is to nurture and expand this Adult Drama group, ultimately creating a performance that instils a sense of local pride within the Three Towns, forging partnerships with local businesses and venues, and fostering connections that contribute to the physical and mental well-being of our participants and the community at large.

Project Costings:

Theatre Facilitator: - £400

Performance/Venue Space - £150

Set/Props/Costume - £200

Marketing - £100

Administration Costs - £150

Total - £1000

Location: Established in 2015, Triple Act Theatre & Arts is dedicated to enriching the cultural landscape of a historically low Arts engagement region in Scotland. Our mission is to become the premiere provider of participatory arts in North Ayrshire, catalysing positive change for individuals and communities. We offer people of all ages high-quality creative activities, promoting well-being and growth in various facets of life. Within Triple Act Theatre & Arts, inclusivity is paramount. We believe everyone should have access to the Arts and the benefits they bring. Our classes are affordable at £1-£2 a class, the programme is made with our participants and the community surrounding us in mind and we constantly evaluate all the ways in which we can make the Arts more accessible for all. Additionally, we're committed to sustainability, constantly exploring ways to minimize our environmental footprint. We strive to be more environmentally friendly and align with the growing global concern for sustainability. Where possible, we re-use and recycle props, costumes and materials when creating sets and design elements, making our design elements in performances more sustainable. We actively seek partnerships with local businesses, outreach programs, and community organizations to broaden our impact and reach every corner of North Ayrshire.

Proposed on behalf of: Triple Act Theatre & Arts

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