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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £9,810

Community Campus 5K Funday

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  contact_me_lj  •  Three Towns

We are looking to secure funding so that we can create a whole schools/campus event, that will have something for everyone from Winton EYC right through to our senior in Ardrossan Academy.  This is approximately 1200 pupils. We hope to have a colour dash fun run, where participants can complete up to 5k (depending on their age and ability), this event would welcome all pupils and their families to participate.  The approximate cost per person is £3.25, so we would need to do a lot of fundraising for the event and potentially charge a small entry/participatory fee, however if we secure enough funding the costs to families will be minimal.  The event would be held as day event with various potted sports, stalls, outdoor games and the run taking place at intervals, to allow everyone the opportunity to participate.  The families willl be able to have a picnic in the park type day with lots going on around them.  A basic park run and few stalls were put together in a few weeks last year towards the end of term and the feedback from pupils, familiy members and people in the community around the park was amazing.  It was great to see everyone getting involved and enjoying the day as a community.  Some of the children had never participated in a park run and loved the idea of making it a bit more exciting which is not always cost effective for families, hence the reason we will try to keep costs affordable for all. 

Filming Behind the Scenes Still

Next Take’s 2024 Filmmaking Project

2024-08-29  •  No comments  •  Next Take  •  Three Towns

Next Take’s goal is to unite young people by offering them a platform to express their personal opinions and share their experiences through the creative, technical, and social opportunities that filmmaking provides.

The film project runs weekly and has successfully brought together young people from various backgrounds and nationalities across North Ayrshire, including Ukrainian and Syrian refugees and young people with disabilities.

Offering young people this platform to share their stories and thoughts through the development and planning of a screenplay provides a valuable insight into the voice of a young person today.

We have found that a compelling story is the most effective way to convey the complex experiences, themes, and injustices that impact young people while also emotionally connecting with a wide audience.

Our previous short film project, titled “Different Ways”, has seen success in sharing the experiences of young Ukrainian refugees and local Scots through film screenings in North Ayrshire and Ukrainian schools, the Edinburgh Ukrainian club (AUGB), our official premiere, and a wider audience online.

Different Ways Short Film:

The positive feedback and enthusiasm from both the audience and our group highlights the potential for this project to grow. We are eager to collaborate, share more voices, and support one another to create a memorable and topical piece of work.

This funding would enable the positive progression of the film project, and we would greatly appreciate assistance for essential equipment and costs. The funds would cover catering (£130), transportation for cast and crew (£200), props and costumes (£160), location hire (£390), and lighting equipment (£120).



Find out more about what we do and our projects here:

Campfire Songs

52nd Ayrshire -Saltcoats - District Camp for Scouts , Cubs and Beavers

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  KYou85  •  Three Towns

52nd Ayrshire operates from St Mary's Church Hall, our three sections run each week on a Tuesday and Thursday Most of our children and young people are resident in Saltcoats with a few who travel from Stevenston and Ardrossan.


We provide indoor and outdoor activities for children and young people aged 6yrs - 25 yrs. We provide activities that support health and well-being and that build confidence independence and self-esteem. We strive to provide activities that are fun , exciting and that will create memories that will last forever. Our young people are decision makers and they are involved in the design, planning and implementation of programmes and activities


The North Ayrshire and Arran District organise a District camp every two years for all young people (both male and female) who attend Scouting organisations. Young people range in ages from 6yrs up to 25yr. 


The next camp will take place in June 2025 from a Friday afternoon to late Sunday afternoon.


During this time, young people will participate in indoor and outdoor activities with others from across the District. Some young people will camp outdoors while others will stay inside in dormitories or hobbit huts.


Over the weekend, they will take part in a variety of activities, the vast majority being outdoors, whatever the weather! In the past, activities have included:





Backwoods cooking

Den building

Late night Hike and Camp Fire


Low ropes/high ropes



During camp we will provide everyone with all of their meals, as well as snacks including fruit and hot and cold drinks through the day.


Ardeer Thistle 2012’s

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Heather McGookin  •  Three Towns

We are looking to get the kids now fully equipped with a training kit and bag etc. We have a good fundraising team but there is only one think we can fundraise for at a time. We have recently just done "sponsor a player" for their new home kit. It's approx £30 per player for their kit and then extra for their boot bag etc. Our team are excellent team sports and they would be over the moon with this extra bit of kit.

St Matthew's Academy Breakfast Club

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Erin_.17  •  Three Towns

Our project would help ensure a child has a healthy meal before attending a full school day. This will help pupils to focus and improve their learning. Also with the cost of living crisis, pupils may not be able to afford a healthy meal, so this project would allow us to provide this for them. A grant of £1000 would allow us to budget for provision of cereal bars, fruit and juice. Breakfast club will also be closely monitored by staff and pupil volunteers. 

Boosting Body & Mind with Sensory Equipment

2024-09-15  •  No comments  •  Karen Kerr  •  Three Towns

Incorporating a diverse range of sensory equipment is crucial for promoting both physical and mental wellbeing in neurodivergent C&YP. Sensory tools offer numerous benefits, particularly in addressing issues related to social isolation, physical activity, and emotional regulation. By integrating specific items we can create an inclusive and supportive environment that to promote overall health and happiness.


Promoting Physical Activity

Special Supplies Square Floor Liquid Tiles (£153) are not only colorful and stimulating but also promote active play. These mats, with their anti-slip backing, are perfect for activities like dancing and games, which are essential for developing motor skills, coordination, and cardiovascular health. Similarly, the Sensory Swing (£155) provides a gentle, stimulating motion that encourages physical movement and can help improve balance and strength. Engaging in such activities helps neurodivergent C&YP stay active, which is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Addressing Emotional Regulation

Silentnight Weighted Blanket (£34) is designed to provide calming pressure that can alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation. Weighted blankets are known for their therapeutic benefits, helping to regulate the nervous system and improve sleep quality. Similarly, the Sensory Sock £18) provides a full-body experience that can help with stress relief and self-calming. These items create a sense of security and comfort, which is crucial for managing emotions and developing resilience.


Enabling Social Connections

Galaxy Lights Projector (£38) can transform a space into a visually stimulating and calming environment, making it easier for C&YP to engage in social activities without sensory overload. This type of sensory stimulation can facilitate group activities and encourage interaction in a relaxed setting.


Supporting Sensory Processing

For many neurodivergent C&YP, sensory processing challenges can impact daily life and wellbeing. Sensory equipment designed for specific needs can significantly improve their ability to process sensory input effectively. The Sensory Swing, for example, is particularly beneficial for those with autism or ADHD, offering a 360° swivel that helps with sensory integration and provides a calming effect. Similarly, the Special Supplies Square Floor Liquid Tiles and Sensory Sock offer varied sensory experiences that cater to different processing needs, making it easier for C&YP to engage with their surroundings comfortably.


Encouraging Self-Care and Independence

Sensory equipment also promotes self-care and independence by empowering C&YP to manage their sensory needs. Tools like the Body Sock can be used independently to self-soothe and regulate emotions, encouraging a sense of autonomy. The Swing provides safe, enjoyable ways for C&YP to engage in self-care routines and develop self-management skills.



Investing in a variety of sensory equipment is a proactive approach to enhancing the physical and mental health of the wonderful individual and unique neurodivergent C&YP who come along to our Kids Cave, After School Kids Cave, Teen Club and KO-NEKT KREW where diversity is not just accepted but celebrated, creating an environment where every C&YP can be their authentic self and thrive.


At Ayrshire Children’s Services, our support team join in ensuring that every member is encouraged to embrace their strengths, build confidence and make friendships.


3rd Ardrossan Guides & Rangers

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  maggieagnew  •  Three Towns

We would love to take the girls indoor skiing 17x£16=£272

we would also love to take them to see moana 2 17x£6=£102

we also need supplies and badges for the rest of the term =£626

Dykesmains Parent Council

2024-09-06  •  No comments  •  Mhari Summon  •  Three Towns

The Dykesmains Parent Council seeks funding for transport to the annual school Pantomine outing, aiming to reduce costs for parents and carers so that no child misses out. Last year the children of Dykesmains missed out on the opportunity to attend a Panto due to the cost of living crisis, instead the Pantomine came to Dykesmains. Although the children enjoyed the Pantomine, they missed out on the excitement and magic of going to the theatre.

A vote was carried by the school: 151 children were asked if they would like to go out of school to see the pantomine, this resulted  in 147 children voting YES! Also P1 and P2 have not had this experience yet.  

We require between 5 - 7 buses depending on the configuration to take the children from Dykesmains to the Gaiety Theatre in Ayr and back to school again. Total cost for transport: £1210.00

As you can appreciate this can be costly to most families, as Dykesmains Parent Council ethos is to reduce the cost of the school day we would like to give back to our school community.

Example of the graphic artists work

Youth Voice Engagement Event (Pupil Councils)

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  North Ayrshire Executive Youth Committee  •  Three Towns

As a group that has representation across most of our secondary schools we have consulted with other young people to ask them about their pupil councils and youth voice groups.  Through doing this it was clear there was no consistency or a minimum standard of what they do or the support they get to ensure that young peoples voices are heard across the school community.  We feel as a group there needs to be guidance to support school staff and the young people.  It shouldn’t come down to what school you go to determine how involved you are allowed to be in decisions that affect you. 

We would use this money to bring together groups of young people to support us in writing a Pupil Council Toolkit and Charter that schools would sign up for.  This would involve around 50 young people from across North Ayrshire.  This would make sure schools have a minimum standard for their pupil councils in schools.  With young peoples rights now part of Scots Law, it is more important than ever that Article 12 (young people having a voice and having platforms to use it) is put into action across our local authority.

By bringing these young people together we would write, design and create a Pupil Council Toolkit that would launch in partnership with schools, to support running effective pupil councils.  The Toolkit would have information, guidelines and templates for these groups to run effectively and allow young people a ‘seat at the table’ to influence decisions that affect them.

The event will take place at Ardeer community centre. 


Catering Costs – Snacks and refreshments for the day - £250

Money towards graphic artist – Working with a graphic artist who will sketch in real time, simple graphics of the groupsdiscussions as they happen. We can watch the visuals unfold and get to see the big picture develop as the conversation grows giving us actionable results from the event. £920

The remainder of the event costs would be covered from a small pot of funding we have secured for the Pupil Council Toolkit.

Champions Board (2).png

North Ayrshire Champions Board

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  laurissamonaghan  •  Three Towns

Group of secondary age pupils who are expeirenced who come together monthly to discuss the things in care that affect them.  The time is also used to build friendships and develop new skill s like team building, event planning and much more. We are looking to use the funds to enable us to become a more established group and to buy resources that we can use to make stuff that help us stand out such as tshirts, badges ect.   Our main aim is to buy resources such as arts equipment and distraction tools that we can create a calming box for other care experienced young people in our locality/school that we can give out which also can include information on our group to let them know we are here for them but we would also include print out's that may be helpful to them in their care journey.