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Ardrossan Youth Association (projects and activities for young people)

R richardcaig  •  2024-09-17  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

AYA Logo
AYA Logo

Investment project code: 749

Estimated Price



The Ardrossan Youth Association is a committee made up of young people who work tirelessly to provide activities and development opportunities for young people aged from 11-25. We are looking for funding to run new projects like, cooking classes, family fun day with barbeque and replenish resources for our existing groups.


The Ardrossan Youth Association is managed by young people, looking to provide support, tackle isolation and promote positive mental health. This has been acheived in the past by providing trips with Ocean youth trust, attending youth festivals and through multiple groups and activities. The association also run different groups like Art group, Youth groups, Duke of Edinburgh, Cooking activities, and hold weekly committee and planning meetings.

The association is looking to start cooking classes which will look at how to cook on a budget. They are looking for funding to purchase an oven as the one they have at present is broke.

They are also looking to purchase food and and drink for the family fun day next year. along with other activities happening inside and outside the centre, there will be a barbeque.

The association is looking to purchase stationary to help with committee meetings and planning.

Lastly, the association is looking to purchase a new Karaoke system. this is due to the high demand in the centre from all young people.



HOOVER HOC3858IN Electric Pyrolytic Oven - Stainless Steel & Black from Curries                                                                        £269.00

Cushions, Throw over, Rug for chill out room B & M                                                                                                                             £  70.00

LED Lighting from B & Q                                                                                                                                                                       £  50.00

Stationary form Amazon                                                                                                                                                                        £ 115.00

Mr Entertainer Digibox Pro. Portable Touch Screen Karaoke Machine and Media Player (4 x Wireless Microphones) from Amazon £477.00

Food and drink for family fun day                                                                                                                                                          £120.00

The association will pay the excess for food.



Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Location: The youth centre offers a wide variety of activities that tackles isolation, stress and anxiety. there are many development opportunities for all young people, these are available to all young people