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Developing Football

A Ardeer Primary School Parent Council  •  2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Investment project code: 594

Estimated Price



As a Parent Council, we are working hard to fundraise to support the pupils at Ardeer Primary, with a focus on physical health and wellbeing. The children have access to a grassy field for football but we want to support them by providing goals and corner flags for their games. The hope is this encourages more children to participate in football both in and out of school.


As a Parent Council, our aim is to help improve the health and wellbeing for all pupils by providing opportunites in the playground fro playtimes, lunchtimes and after school clubs. The project we are working on at the moment is participation in football. We have fundrasied £750 so far towards the cost but an additional boost would mean the project could start sooner and the children can begin to reap the benefits.


Pair of 12ft x 6ft  goals cost £1575  (MH 12ft x 6ft Mini Soccer Wheeled Steel Football Goal (

Set of 4 corner flags cost £49.95 (Precision Sprung Corner Posts (Set of 4) (


Location: Ardeer, Stevenston

Don't have defined milestones