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ACE- Admin Craft Enterprise

A ACE - Ambassador Craft Enterprise  •  2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

ACE CLUB members - so excited to start this new project
ACE CLUB members - so excited to start this new project

Investment project code: 671

Estimated Price



our group ACE is a club within Auchenharvie Academy from pupils S1-S6 with different job roles and within group ambassadors who oversea the operation. it is all Pupil based We create designs and products based on popularity within our school and community by sending out questionnaires.We also sell our products to the community at low costs and the money giving is put right back to buy more equipment and help fund community projects.


our prodject is primarilly to help pupils learn new skills and develop leadership skills before they leave school and have oppertunitys to work with other pupils as a team.

 this is to spread the cost between materials,manudfacturing process and also products. this money is also to help with future events takeing place and to fund our community project where we build benches and mud kitches for schools,busisnesses and also a big one we completed in the last year is going round all the care homes in the three towns and donating ,flower pots , benches , memorial benches ect. we also plan do used recycled materials and waste from other projects to help the enviroment. We hope you consider our proposal thank you, ACE ( admin,enterprise,craft).

Juice Cups – 35 for 30 

Keyrings - 9.71 for 30 

Permanent Vinyl – 26.90 for pack of 50 

Heat press vinyl – 29.99 for 33 sheets 

Vinyl cutter tools – 8.99  could do with at least 3-4 of these

Small Heat press - 25.95  possibly 2

Tote bags - 8.98 for 10 

Pencil/makeup bags - 12.86 for 10 

Christmas baubles 30 for 9.99 

Lanyards - 11.99 for 8 possibly 30 of those

Heat press mat – 8.99 

Water bottles - 54.34 for 20 

plastic sheets - (tilgear) 100x500     £ 23.75 each  - 

tshirt press - 


Location: Auchenharvie academy tech department

Don't have defined milestones