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Investment projects with scope: Garnock Valley

Total budget £8,433

St. Palladius Parent Council

2023-09-06  •  No comments  •  St. Palladius Parent Council  •  Garnock Valley

The funds would allow the school to pay for the sports coaches expenses to run 2 sessions per week for the next three school terms. These sessions would begin in October and run from 3pm – 4pm. 

We wish to continue with the success of the football afterschool club for girls and boys from Primary 5-7, this club would run for the rest of the academic year.  The funds would allow us to pay for transport to take the football team to upcoming tournaments which are organised by North Ayrshire Council Active Schools. We would add to our exsiting sports kit to allow the children to be identified and part of the team. 

We would use some of the fund to pay a netball coach to establish a netball after school club.  Following consultation with the pupils from St. Palladius’ Primary this was a sport that the children showed a high level of interest in.  Netball tournaments are organised by north Ayrshire council and the funds would enable us to pay for buses in order for the children to attend.  

Following the success of the Dance Club last session, the children are very keen to continue this.  The children took part in the Day of Dance last year and we woud love to provide this opportunity again. 

The school have Young Sports Leaders who have responsibility for promoting physical activity in the playground.  The children undertook training in playground games and have requested playground equipment in order to fully engage all the children in the school.  The fund would be used to purchase this equipment. The children will work closely with North Ayrshire’s Active Schools Coordinator to successfully deliver their lunchtime club, which will run each day for the rest of the academic year.

Physical and mental health and wellbeing is always at the heart of St. Palladius’ agenda.  Afterschool sports clubs are an excellent way to engage children in physical activity and improve their health and mental well-being.  Exposing children to sports and physical activity in an afterschool environment encourages them to explore the sport in the community and strengthens the pathways into the sport.  It is hoped that that the afterschool club will encourage more children to participate in sport and thus increase their physical fitness.  Due to the cost of living crisis, after school clubs are the only opportunity that some children have to participate in sports. 

Through this fund we wish to improve aspects of fitness, and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes.  We want to enable learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport and outdoor learning and enhance their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle.

The school’s Young Sports Leaders (Primary 6 and 7 pupils) are involved in this application through providing their opinion on the after school clubs they wish to have established. The have selected the equipment needed for their lunchtime ‘Playground Games’ club. 


Sports equipment - £300

School sports kit - £200

Coaches' expenses - £200

Buses to sporting events - £300

TOTAL - £1000



Garnock Valley Sports Leaders

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Mirren Gilbert  •  Garnock Valley

The project is to be able to provide all schools within the cluster with range of sporting equipment to help provide the best quality of clubs possible. It will also provide t-shirts for leaders to make them easy to identify to pupils and staff when taking the club. The t-shirts will help the leaders also feel part of a community and sense of representation when out coaching in the local schools. 


T-shirts and printing = £500

Variety of Equipment - £500

Give Rugby a Try

Garnock Rugby Club Junior Section

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Garnock Rugby Club jnr section  •  Garnock Valley

We are the Junior Section of Garnock Rugby Club.  We strive to keep rugby as affordable as possible to young people while providing opportunities to promote health and wellbeing through physical activity.  We would like to purchase rugby balls and make a contribution towards the costs the club incurs to hire indoor and astro turf facilities during the winter months.  This allows young people to continue to participate in rugby activities during the winter months thus supporting their health and weelbeing (physical and mental).  By seeking funding we are able to keep our membership and siubscriptions fees as low as possible to ensure costs are not restrictive in people being involved in the sport.  

Training balls £200

Match balls £150

Hire of gym hall and astro turf £650


Garnock Valley Youth Forum

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  GVYouthForum  •  Garnock Valley

The reason we are applying for Youth PB this time is to help people during this cost of living crisis and help young people in the Garnock Valley who are affected by food poverty. 

We are applying for funding to stock up the kitchen cupboards in our project with food for the youth groups that run in the Garnock Valley. Such as ourselves the Youth Forum, Dalry P7 transition group, Kilbirnie P7 transition group and the S1 post transition groups. Each group would benefit  from nutritional and filling snacks and meals. Some particpants may not have much food at home due to the cost of living crisis and food poverty in the area. Particpants might also not have the time to go home afterschool and eat before the groups due to transport issues within the area or because the group starts straight afterschool so they rely on the food provided within the group to fill them up. 

We would do a bulk order through a local supplier each month such as Reids and the food would be distributed at each group.

A rough breakdown of costs would be;

£200 for frozen food such as Burgers, burger rolls and pizzas. 

£400 for perishable goods that would be bought weekly such as salad, fruit, vegetables and cheese. 

£175 for Pasta, pasta sauces, cooking sauces, hotdogs and bread rolls. 

£50 for diliuting and fruit juices.

£175 for other food items for young people with dietry requirements.

We would like to apply for the full amount we can £1000 so that we can provide food for as long as possible to each group. 




63rd Ayrshire Scout Kilbirnie

2023-09-05  •  No comments  •  Michael Beattie  •  Garnock Valley

6 wooden tresele tables cost = £101.94 each Total £611.64 for all youths in the group to do arts and crafts and cooking in the scout hall and any other activities like parties and board games

2 x6 man tents for wild camping for the Cubs Scouts Explores to sample wild camping outsway Tipi £116.99 each Total £233.98

4 x Portable Gas Burners for kids to learn to cook in the scout hall ready for camping in the wild cost £22.93 Total £91.72 includes gas

6 x wooden chopping Boards for cooking in scout hall and wild camping cost £10.93 each Total  £65.58

All kids in the group can learn new skills and have fun doing it safely with the items requested above 



St. Bridget's Parent Council (School Show)

2023-09-07  •  No comments  •  Elaine McTaggart  •  Garnock Valley

To fund our production, we would kindly ask for:

  • Licence to hire show - £500
  • Digital Projection Licence - £360
  • 20 Actor scripts - £140

This would enable us to pay for the full script and musical score for our production. We would then be able to provide every pupil involved with their own Actors script to work from during rehearsals. 


Active Girls Committee

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Ashley Wilson  •  Garnock Valley

We would like to create a logo desgin and purchase North Ayrshire Active Girls Committee Banners for promtion when attending local events. (Logo and banners £300) 

We would like to buy t-shirts supported by our Active Schools staff, so that we can be identifiable when taking future workshops or extra cirriculm clubs in the local area. (T-shirts - £500)

We would also like to purchase resources for our monthly teams meeting to help us keep minutes, plan events and create information help for schools. (Pens, Flipchart paper, Postit notes, General stationary - £200)

Our programme will help young people confidence, commuincation skills, leadership skills, team work, problem solving and its really fun to be part of.  


The bike shop

Moorpark's Bike Shed

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Leanne Ramage  •  Garnock Valley

Our children at Morrpark are currently learning the skills to fix broken bikes. These new skills will be offered to anyone in the community who has a bike that needs fixing. Our children are responsible citizens and understand the improtance of a wellbalanced lifestyle.  Following on from the successful cooking classes that promoted healthy eating for our families, this year getting people to exercise in a way that supports the envrionment is the main focus.

The children at Moorpark are keen to help others in the school get on the road and travel to school by bike.  They also want to be able to offer this service to everyone in the community to get Kilbirnie moving! To do this they need storage for the bikes while they are being fixed and the tools to fix as many bikes as possible in a safe way.

The children will operate from a workshop set up in the school grounds and invite anyone in the community to come along with their broken bikes and have them fixed for free.  By offering this facility the children are promoting better mental and physical health as well as contributing to a cleaner local environment when people switch from driving a car to riding a bike. This free service now makes exercise accessible for those faced with costly repairs they couldn't previously afford.

The children want to see less cars at the school gates and more children riding their bikes to school, this will also make the school safer for our children.

They need a work space to fix and store the bikes and a variety of tools to complete the work, the following materials need to be purchased...

£400 for a metal shed and security padlock so that the bikes and tools can be stored.

£100 for storage boxes and tool boxes to store tools and equipment

 £450 for tools to fix the bikes

£50 for safety equipment such as safety glasses, overalls, gloves so the children are safe when fixing the bikes.
