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Garnock Valley Sports Leaders

M Mirren Gilbert  •  2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 

Investment project code: 384

Estimated Price



Garnock Valley Sports Leaders are a group of pupils who train in upskilling ourselves to go out into local primaries and secondary to provide sporting opportunities in the local area. As a group we want to be able to provide young people in our community with quality equal opportunities to take part in sport. We believe that this can promote healthy mental and physical wellbeing among these young people. Through leading these extra curriculum clubs, it helps boost young people’s overall physically activity to help meet the government’s guidance of 60 minutes a day. It teaches the young people the benefits of physical activity as well as how it can improve mental wellbeing.

We also hope that in providing new sporting opportunies for young peole that they may be able to find one the enjoy or love. Through this we will be able to sign post to local clubs in the area to help add to a sense of community and spirit.


The project is to be able to provide all schools within the cluster with range of sporting equipment to help provide the best quality of clubs possible. It will also provide t-shirts for leaders to make them easy to identify to pupils and staff when taking the club. The t-shirts will help the leaders also feel part of a community and sense of representation when out coaching in the local schools. 


T-shirts and printing = £500

Variety of Equipment - £500

Location: As a group of S5-6 pupils we would like to be able to provide quality sports sessions to young people in the Garnock Valley cluster. We feel that everyone should be able to have the opportunity to take part in physical activity. It is a great way to teach young people the benefits of being activity such as improving you mental and physical health. It would also be great to help us as a group put our skills, we have learned through our sports leader course into practice. This is a fun way for us to build on our skills such as confidence, organisation and communication that we can continue to use once we go onto further education or employment.

Don't have defined milestones