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Active Girls Committee

A Ashley Wilson  •  2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 

Investment project code: 388

Estimated Price



North Ayrshire Active Girls Committee is a new group made up of young females from all localities in North Ayrshire. As a group we focus on empowering young females through sport and leadership. 

Our Key Principles are: 

  • Valuing Girls' Voices 
  • Promoting Peer Role Models 
  • Co-creating Projects 
  • Celebrating Unstoppable Girls 

Through following these key principles we hope to have the impact that young girls and females in sport can feel that they have a voice within their community, help make decisions in sport and feel unstoppable. Furthermore, we aim for this committee to help increase:

  • Increased opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity
  • Improved access to leadership opportunities and roles in school and community sport
  • Greater recognition of the power of girls to motivate and inspire their peers and more opportunities to do so
  • Enhanced knowledge and understanding of workforce delivering PE, sport and physical activity to girls and young women


We would like to create a logo desgin and purchase North Ayrshire Active Girls Committee Banners for promtion when attending local events. (Logo and banners £300) 

We would like to buy t-shirts supported by our Active Schools staff, so that we can be identifiable when taking future workshops or extra cirriculm clubs in the local area. (T-shirts - £500)

We would also like to purchase resources for our monthly teams meeting to help us keep minutes, plan events and create information help for schools. (Pens, Flipchart paper, Postit notes, General stationary - £200)

Our programme will help young people confidence, commuincation skills, leadership skills, team work, problem solving and its really fun to be part of.  


Location: We believe that girls and young women can make a meaningful and important contribution as role models in sport, and that young females should have access to a range of opportunities of sport and leadership roles which reflect their interests and abilities.

Don't have defined milestones