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St. Palladius Parent Council

S St. Palladius Parent Council  •  2023-09-06  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 

Investment project code: 275

Estimated Price



We wish to improve the physical and mental health and well-being of the children at St. Palladius by increasing the amount of time they spend engaging in extracurricular physical activity.  We will fund sports coaches for a dance, football, and netball afterschool club. We will use the funds to promote wider achievements and allow the children to take part in sporting events outwith school.


The funds would allow the school to pay for the sports coaches expenses to run 2 sessions per week for the next three school terms. These sessions would begin in October and run from 3pm – 4pm. 

We wish to continue with the success of the football afterschool club for girls and boys from Primary 5-7, this club would run for the rest of the academic year.  The funds would allow us to pay for transport to take the football team to upcoming tournaments which are organised by North Ayrshire Council Active Schools. We would add to our exsiting sports kit to allow the children to be identified and part of the team. 

We would use some of the fund to pay a netball coach to establish a netball after school club.  Following consultation with the pupils from St. Palladius’ Primary this was a sport that the children showed a high level of interest in.  Netball tournaments are organised by north Ayrshire council and the funds would enable us to pay for buses in order for the children to attend.  

Following the success of the Dance Club last session, the children are very keen to continue this.  The children took part in the Day of Dance last year and we woud love to provide this opportunity again. 

The school have Young Sports Leaders who have responsibility for promoting physical activity in the playground.  The children undertook training in playground games and have requested playground equipment in order to fully engage all the children in the school.  The fund would be used to purchase this equipment. The children will work closely with North Ayrshire’s Active Schools Coordinator to successfully deliver their lunchtime club, which will run each day for the rest of the academic year.

Physical and mental health and wellbeing is always at the heart of St. Palladius’ agenda.  Afterschool sports clubs are an excellent way to engage children in physical activity and improve their health and mental well-being.  Exposing children to sports and physical activity in an afterschool environment encourages them to explore the sport in the community and strengthens the pathways into the sport.  It is hoped that that the afterschool club will encourage more children to participate in sport and thus increase their physical fitness.  Due to the cost of living crisis, after school clubs are the only opportunity that some children have to participate in sports. 

Through this fund we wish to improve aspects of fitness, and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes.  We want to enable learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport and outdoor learning and enhance their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle.

The school’s Young Sports Leaders (Primary 6 and 7 pupils) are involved in this application through providing their opinion on the after school clubs they wish to have established. The have selected the equipment needed for their lunchtime ‘Playground Games’ club. 


Sports equipment - £300

School sports kit - £200

Coaches' expenses - £200

Buses to sporting events - £300

TOTAL - £1000


Location: St. Palladius Parent Council helps to create an environment where all parents know that their views matter. We work on behalf of all the parents to discuss educational matters that are of importance to all. We work in partnership with the school to decide on key priorities to take forward and aim to improve the school's understanding of how to engage parents in their children's learning and in the life of the school. We support the school to raise much needed school funds to provide extracurricular experiences for all children and to promote wider achievements, in order for all children to reach their potential.

Don't have defined milestones