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Garnock Valley Youth Forum

G GVYouthForum  •  2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 

Investment project code: 394

Estimated Price



We are applying for this fund to help young people within the Garnock Valley who attend Youth Groups in relation to food poverty and the cost of living crisis. We hope that by providing young people with filling snacks and meals their health and wellbeing will be better. Most young people are being affected by the cost of living crisis and we hope that by securing funding to provide food we can help young people in our community. 


The reason we are applying for Youth PB this time is to help people during this cost of living crisis and help young people in the Garnock Valley who are affected by food poverty. 

We are applying for funding to stock up the kitchen cupboards in our project with food for the youth groups that run in the Garnock Valley. Such as ourselves the Youth Forum, Dalry P7 transition group, Kilbirnie P7 transition group and the S1 post transition groups. Each group would benefit  from nutritional and filling snacks and meals. Some particpants may not have much food at home due to the cost of living crisis and food poverty in the area. Particpants might also not have the time to go home afterschool and eat before the groups due to transport issues within the area or because the group starts straight afterschool so they rely on the food provided within the group to fill them up. 

We would do a bulk order through a local supplier each month such as Reids and the food would be distributed at each group.

A rough breakdown of costs would be;

£200 for frozen food such as Burgers, burger rolls and pizzas. 

£400 for perishable goods that would be bought weekly such as salad, fruit, vegetables and cheese. 

£175 for Pasta, pasta sauces, cooking sauces, hotdogs and bread rolls. 

£50 for diliuting and fruit juices.

£175 for other food items for young people with dietry requirements.

We would like to apply for the full amount we can £1000 so that we can provide food for as long as possible to each group. 



Location: Granock Valley Youth Forum - The Garnock Valley Youth Forum is a group made up of 10 young people who meet weekly. Over the past few months the group has risen from 4 members and we now have a varied age of 11-19 which we think is good as it represents a bigger age range of young people. Our aim is to be the voice of the young people of the Garnock Valley and by engaging with our locality team and the wider youth services we achieve this. The group is a place to build your confidence, make new friends and it is somewhere safe to express your views and opinions. This allows us to have a voice and get involved in our local community and affect change. An example of this has been setting up a pre loved uniform centre within our project to help reduce the cost of the school day and help people during the cost of living crisis. This project has been supported by previous PB funding and we couldn't have done it without the help of this. While we work hard we also like to have fun and quizes and board games are some of our favourite activities. 

Proposed on behalf of: Garnock Valley Youth Project - We are the Garnock Valley Youth Forum who are the constituted group within the Kilbirnie Youth Project.

Don't have defined milestones