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Investment projects with scope: North Coast

Total budget £9,755

DofE 2023.jpeg

Duke of Edinburgh equipment for Largs Academy pupils

2023-09-08  •  No comments  •  LargsAcademyParentCouncil  •  North Coast

Largs Academy’s Duke of Edinburgh Award group was established at the start of 2022/23 at the request of pupils, through the Parent Council, to provide an extra-curricular opportunity for our senior pupils to learn new life skills, become more physically and mentally active while having a positive impact on their local community. The uptake is extremely positive with 50 young people nearing completion of their bronze award, this is expected to grow this year. The inclusivity of the programme has meant that pupils from all backgrounds have been able to participate and has given those who are disengaging from school a positive focus and a huge sense of achievement, enhancing wellbeing. The programme requires pupils to complete four sections; volunteering, physical, skill, and expedition (an overnight adventure by foot, bike or kayak). Sessions develop teamwork, communication and valuable skills including map reading, using a stove and outdoor first aid. The programme has allowed pupils to be themselves and form new friendships, build their confidence, get outdoors and have experiences they may not have otherwise had.

We are seeking funding on behalf of our young people who, when reflecting on their expedition section asked if we could purchase our own outdoor equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, walking boots, waterproof clothing and backpacks. We currently have a small supply of equipment but not enough to support our demand with over a quarter of our young people having to borrow resources from the council store to complete this section. We have attached a graph showing the equipment that was requested for this year’s expedition. We consulted the young people regarding what they got out of the Duke of Edinburgh group, and what they would like to purchase with unlimited funds, and their responses are attached.

We believe having our own equipment will allow us to better support our participants, giving them a sense of belonging and ensure that lack of equipment is not a barrier for participation, particularly considering the expense of the equipment and the cost of living crisis, and bearing in mind the cost of the school day. The funding will also allow us to support our most disadvantaged pupils to experience the outdoors and help to improve the mental health and wellbeing of our young people.

With the expansion of the Duke of Edinburgh Award we hope to set-up a silver group to provide a pathway for successful bronze candidates to continue to build on their sense of achievement.

Estimated costs

We would like to build up our Largs Academy store of equipment, particularly rucksacks, waterproofs, walking boots, roll mats. We would like to work with a local supplier, with a mind to the local economy, and costs at Vango in Port Glasgow are as follows (as of September 2023):

  • Rucksack £120
  • Waterproof trousers £32.50
  • Waterproof jackets £34.99
  • Walking boots £45
  • Sleeping bags £52.50
  • Tents £175
NCYF Mind Mapping session

North Coast Joint Youth Forum

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  richardcaig  •  North Coast

With the 2 forums in the North Coast coming together. We are looking to attend a residential for much needed team building activities. This will benefit both Forums, through outdoor learning they will learn how to work together effectively. This will benefit the committe working together on future projects and also benefit their peers in the North Coast.

In the evening at the residential, the forums will participate and complete the second phase of mental health resilience training. This will allow the forum to become BU Mental Health Ambassadors and peer mentors. 

With the qualification gained, we will be able to run informative workshops and awareness sessions centred around mental health to young people in, West Kilbride, Fairlie, Largs, Skelmorlie, the Isle of Cumbrae.


Residential accomodation- 10 x £118 + 3 x £58 = £1354

Ferry - 13 x £8.40 = £109.20

Total = £1463.20


WK Print Studio - Young Peoples printing projects - Local Environment

2023-09-04  •  No comments  •  Karen Teal  •  North Coast


We will create a series of free print workshops exploring the different methods of printmaking e.g. Gelli plate, Collagraphs, dry point etching and tetra pak printing.  Using nature and our local community as the theme for the workshops we will explore print making using materials that we would normally discard, and we will look at how art and creativity can look at the natural environment and reuse and recycle to protect it.    There are lots of transferable skills occurring in the workshops and they can be linked to other aspects of daily life without even realising it; communication, understanding, environmental, relaxation, creativity.  The printing will be for all ages and all abilities giving confidence and creative skills.


We are also hoping to engage not only the younger age range but work with older youngsters in encouraging them and their creativity as well as encouraging them to volunteer support during some of the sessions. Each participant will leave the workshop with a sense of achievement and a piece of artwork with which they can engage with others.  Finished pieces may also be exhibited on the gallery wall of the Print Studio.


Quotes from parents and young people

“It was fabulous to see them so excited about the process of producing Art.  Thank you for allowing the kids to use and work with the specialist equipment and for the accessibility of the classes for All to ensure opportunities for everyone” a parent

“it was amazing to use the special arts equipment and a printing machine and see how it worked.  I really want to go back"  a young person

““It was very fun as it was something I had never done before at school or any other art class. I would love to go back again”  a young person

“A really unique art class giving the kids a chance to experience different ways of printing and using their creativity”  a parent


  • Caligo Safe Wash inks   £200
  • Printing paper   £80
  • Table top etching press    £323
  • Frames to exhibit work    £100
  • Acrylic paints for printing     £60
  • Tote Bags 50     £70  

1st Largs Boys Brigade Summer Camp

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  1st Largs Boys' Brigade  •  North Coast

We want to be able to give all our Company and Senior Boys' the opportunity to attend and by gaining some funding we can reduce the overall cost to our parents and carers.

Our Camp is being organised by North Ayrshire Boys' Brigade Battalion and costs £300 per person. This includes camping accommodation, all food and drinks, a football stadium tour, Alton Towers Theme Park, a visit to Blackpool which includes a visit to the tower. 

Any funding allows us to lower the cost for all our young people and give them a fantastic experience and opportunity. 


West Kilbride Deltas

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  •  North Coast

We are seeking funding for a new set of match kit and also a new set of footballs and new nets for our goals. These are necessary to enable the children to train, play and reach their potential. Full kit: £500

Training balls: £140

11 a side goal nets: £200


Megans Space Self-Care Sunday

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Megans Space Fundraising  •  North Coast

The 'self-care sunday' will be open to children and young people aged 11-26, and will be inclusive of the following activities to promote physical and mental wellbeing; therapy dogs, introduction to yoga and mindfulness, introduction to reki, havening session, art therapy, journalling and gratitude workshop. A breakdown of the costs below 

- Therapy dogs £250 

- introduction to yoga and milndfullness £150 

- introduction to Reki  £150

- Havening session £150 

- arts and crafts materials £150 

- refreshments £100

- hall hire £50



West Kilbride Primary school parent council uniform shop

West Kilbride Primary Parent Council Uniform Shop

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Emma Clark  •  North Coast

This is a Community ran FREE pre-loved uniform shop for all those attending West Kilbride Primary School.

Our aim is to help anyone needing access to free school uniforms, no questions asked. 

A huge benefit of using pre loved clothes is that you are helping the environment. Children grow so fast that there is a high turnover of school uniforms with some having to be replaced with a bigger size at the start of each term! By donating or using the pre-loved facility you are helping the environment. 

Donations of clean, good condition school uniforms, shoes, trainers, wellies, school-bags & jackets are currently accepted however a lot of the time we don't have sizes/items requested and we would love to be able to help anyone that approaches us for help with primary school uniform. All donations are washed and ironed before being sent out if they are not brand new.

All enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence so people can be confident that their enquiry or request will be kept confidential.

We looking to find new items including underwear, pants, socks and tights. Along with warm winter jackets/waterproof shoes/boots as we enter the winter season. 

We estimate £1000 would give us a great basis to work from and enable us to restock throughout the next year when we hold our pop up shops at parents nights at the school.

The cost of living Crisis is still greatly affecting local families and this helps parents and carers ease their financial worries over clothing their children for school.

One of the winning entries from last year's YPOTY competition

Young Photographer of the Year 2023

2023-09-09  •  No comments  •  Skelmorlie Camera Club  •  North Coast

Skelmorlie Camera Club has successfully organised an annual photography competition for young people over the past 5 years. The club has enjoyed a special link with the photography department in Largs Academy. However.the competition is open to all young people of school age (primary/secondary) attending any school in the North Coast area. The principle aim of this venture is to improve the well being of young people by encouraging them to go outdoors with their camera or mobile phones, use their imagination and capture their own personal vision of "Autumn".

There will be a presentation event on December 12th in Skelmorlie Community Centre. Each submitted image will be critiqued and given constructive feedback.

The authors of the top 3 images will receive a canvas copy of their image ( 2 A4 @£40 each and 1 A3@ £60 )  and the overall winner will receive a £50 voucher.

Note 1: On the evening of the 12th December the winners will each receive a certificate. If our application is successful we will award each winner the aforementioned prizes at some point within the 12 months of the grant award.

2 training sessions of 4 hours for 12 young photographers will be arranged with 2 professional trainers (organised by Peter Stevenson a professional photographer and ex Jessops trainer) at £360 per session. The total training costs will be £720

Note 2: If our application is successful we will organise the training for the young people at some point within the 12 months of the grant award.


P7 Residential Trip to Ardentinny

2023-09-04  •  No comments  •  Marie Prince  •  North Coast

Research evidence indicates that outdoor learning engages young people in investing in the planet and engaging with the environment, enhancing confidence socialisation and team work. Connection with nature has mental and physical health benefits which assist in contributing to the overall health of our local population. There are social inequalities in access to nature, this project aims to ensure that all children in Primary 7 can access outdoor learning via their residential trip.

The Covid 19 pandemic has exacerbated mental difficulties in young people, access to nature has been shown in research to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Being phsically active is as effective if not more so in alleviating the symtoms of mild to moderate anxiey and depresison than medication. Encouraging pupils to access outdoor space has numerous mental and physical health benefits thus contributing to a healthy and productive local population.

WHAT WE WANT TO DO WITH THE GRANT AND WHY As the cost of living increases, many families are struggling to contribute to thier child's education financially. the Primary 7 residential trip to Ardentinny, tends to cost around £270 per child. The Parent Council wants to raise funds to reduce the cost of this trip as far as possible and if possible, fudn it entirely. The residential trip enables all primary 7 children to access outdoor learning, engage with nature, experience independence away from thier families and build their confidence and team work skills.

COSTS Ardentinny residential trip 78 pupils x £270 each = £21060 

Cumbrae Curling Pond December 2022

Cumbrae Young Curlers

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Cumbrae  •  North Coast

Millport Curling Club would like to give young people on the island an opportunity to experience the sport of curling by arranging test sessions for 10-12 year-olds at a mainland ice rink. It’s challenging for young islanders to participate, given the need to travel off-island and the expense involved so we will arrange bus transport and professional coaching at a curling rink for a group of 10-12 year-olds to inspire and encourage them to get involved in the sport. Millport Curling club members will host the away-days, together with Cumbrae Primary School teaching staff and professional coaches, at Greenacres Ice Rink. The project will improve the health and well-being of young participants through physical activity and social connection and the funding will address the Cost of Living crisis by making the activity financially accessible for all youngsters who wish to take part.

Estimated costs for 2 sessions of 12 participants:

Ferry & Bus: £600 

Venue fees (Ice/coaching): £300 

Total: £900
