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Young Photographer of the Year 2023

S Skelmorlie Camera Club  •  2023-09-09  •  No comments  •  North Coast  • 

One of the winning entries from last year's YPOTY competition
One of the winning entries from last year's YPOTY competition

Investment project code: 316

Estimated Price



This venture aims to encourage as many young people as possible who reside in the North Coast locale to go out and about and take photographs on a particular theme (this year's theme is "Autumn"). Each entrant submits their best 2 images. These willl be judged and the authors of the top 3 images will receive prizes. In addition the club will  provide formal training in photography from specialists for young people interested in improving their photography skills.


Skelmorlie Camera Club has successfully organised an annual photography competition for young people over the past 5 years. The club has enjoyed a special link with the photography department in Largs Academy. However.the competition is open to all young people of school age (primary/secondary) attending any school in the North Coast area. The principle aim of this venture is to improve the well being of young people by encouraging them to go outdoors with their camera or mobile phones, use their imagination and capture their own personal vision of "Autumn".

There will be a presentation event on December 12th in Skelmorlie Community Centre. Each submitted image will be critiqued and given constructive feedback.

The authors of the top 3 images will receive a canvas copy of their image ( 2 A4 @£40 each and 1 A3@ £60 )  and the overall winner will receive a £50 voucher.

Note 1: On the evening of the 12th December the winners will each receive a certificate. If our application is successful we will award each winner the aforementioned prizes at some point within the 12 months of the grant award.

2 training sessions of 4 hours for 12 young photographers will be arranged with 2 professional trainers (organised by Peter Stevenson a professional photographer and ex Jessops trainer) at £360 per session. The total training costs will be £720

Note 2: If our application is successful we will organise the training for the young people at some point within the 12 months of the grant award.

Location: Skelmorlie Camera Club is a constituted organisation affiliated to the Scottish Photographic Federation which meets weekly from October until April and organises field trips from May to September. The club's website is . The Facebook page is The club's email address is

Don't have defined milestones