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P7 Residential Trip to Ardentinny

M Marie Prince  •  2023-09-04  •  No comments  •  North Coast  • 

Investment project code: 252

Estimated Price



Largs Primary School Parent Council wish to fund the Primay 7 Residential trip to reduce the social inequities in attendance. The grant will contribute to learning opportunities, engaging children in their own education and teaching them key lifeskills such as independence and team work. Children learn in a variety of ways, outdoor learning is especially helpful in supporting children at risk of disengaging from education, thus contributing to ongoing cycles of deprivation. Engaged and educated young people who can work in teams contribute positively to their own lives and local areas.


Research evidence indicates that outdoor learning engages young people in investing in the planet and engaging with the environment, enhancing confidence socialisation and team work. Connection with nature has mental and physical health benefits which assist in contributing to the overall health of our local population. There are social inequalities in access to nature, this project aims to ensure that all children in Primary 7 can access outdoor learning via their residential trip.

The Covid 19 pandemic has exacerbated mental difficulties in young people, access to nature has been shown in research to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Being phsically active is as effective if not more so in alleviating the symtoms of mild to moderate anxiey and depresison than medication. Encouraging pupils to access outdoor space has numerous mental and physical health benefits thus contributing to a healthy and productive local population.

WHAT WE WANT TO DO WITH THE GRANT AND WHY As the cost of living increases, many families are struggling to contribute to thier child's education financially. the Primary 7 residential trip to Ardentinny, tends to cost around £270 per child. The Parent Council wants to raise funds to reduce the cost of this trip as far as possible and if possible, fudn it entirely. The residential trip enables all primary 7 children to access outdoor learning, engage with nature, experience independence away from thier families and build their confidence and team work skills.

COSTS Ardentinny residential trip 78 pupils x £270 each = £21060 

Location: Largs Primary School Parent Council

Don't have defined milestones