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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £16,520

5th Dreghorn Rangers

5th Dreghorn Rangers

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  oliviaerinhughes  •  Irvine

  • The girls are beginning to represent their community at wider events and we would like a unit flag which costs £91 for these events.
  • The current hall cost is £88 a year 
  • End-of-year badge cost per girl £20
  • Craft budget £150

We would also like to seek funding to organise a camping trip for the girls. Due to the small nature of the group, we have not had the funding opportunity to arrange an end-of-year trip. The cost per girl would be £50, this would be a total cost of £600 to stay at the Blair activity centre with 3 leaders. This is the minimum cost as we would need funding for food £150, resources £200 and badges £30. 

We are asking for £1,000 to help cover the costs of our budget for our small local unit to the end of the year. 



5th Dreghorn Brownies and Guides

2023-09-09  •  No comments  •  Vickie  •  Irvine

Team building helps to build skills that are useful for the girls now but also skills the girls can take into their adult lives. Team building helps to develop problem solving skills, bring out leadership qualities, encourage creative thinking, as well as helping to improve listening qualities in girls. Girls have a tough time as teenagers as well as preteens so even small wins boost self esteem and develop self confidence. The range of activities also help to show that not every girl has the same set of skills but every girl has a skill. This would be a great opportunity to help develop empathy as where one girl excels in one activity she may struggle with another. These are all skills that are important not just for now but for later in life, we as guiding leaders try to develop these qualities week to week however days out like this allow the girls to express their self and really show what they are made of, what they are good at and what they would like to be good at. 


Cost per girl/leader - £25.00

24 Brownies - 24 Guides - 6 Leaders - £1321.20

Team building badge - £0.60 

48 Badges - £28.80

Total cost - £1350.00


Castlepark Primary School - Breakfast Club

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Castleparkpc  •  Irvine

Breakfast Club at Castlepark Primary School gives pupils a settled start to their school day with fun activities and a healthy nutrious breakfast. The Breakfast Club runs each morning with healthy options for Breakfast followed by activities such as sports games, arts and crafts and board games.

Castlepark Primary School Parent Council are applying for £1000 of funding to support the daily running of Breakfast Club. The funding will purchase new resources for Breakfast Club along with food to support the provision for the school year. 

Breakdown of Costs

£150 - Resources/games/toys

£850 - Food provision for Breakfast Club

Active:2:Grow Irvine

Scottish Sports Futures - Active:2:Grow

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Alan Hendry  •  Irvine

The Active:2:Grow programme is a 42 week wellbeing and multisport programme delivered in partnership with the Ghillie Dhu Project within Irvine.  The Active:2:Grow programme is designed to target young people aged 11+, supporting them to better manage their own health and wellbeing, and become more physically active.

SSF Active:2:Grow offers young people a safe and inclusive environment to evaluate their wellbeing and put in place mechanisms  to support this, connect with peers, socialise with others and become more active.  

The SSF Active:2:Grow programme uses a combination of wellbeing workshops and physical activity to support young people to; 

- Improve their mental health and wellbeing 

- Increase confidence  

- Better identify ways of how to manage their lives and build resilience 

- Develop their personal and physical skills 

- Increase levels of physical activity 

- Increase connections with the wider community 

The Active:2:Grow programme is delivered weekly every Monday evening in the Volunteer Rooms (Irvine), with every session including a physical activity element and a wellbeing element where young people are supported to explore topics such as: 

- Emotions  

- Stress  

- Feelings 

- Goal setting 

- Decision making 

- Relationships  

- Life skills  

Funds provided through this application will contribute to the following resource costs:

-Winter gift bags £150

-Wellbeing boxes £150

-Sports Kitbag £200

-Broadening Horizon Activity/Trip/Transport £500


St John Ogilvie PTA

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  KD21  •  Irvine

Following discussion with the children they would like to promote their health and well-being and encourage outdoor play. They would like to build better relationships with their peers through team building exercises and find that through outdoor play this could be achieved.

The children also love a school disco. The PTA always thrive to make these a free event that children can attend to meet their friends outwith school. A free snack and drink is always provided.

Below are details of how the grant would be spent:

Football nets x 2 - £325

Footballs x 10 - £125

Outdoor equipment such as skipping ropes, basket ball nets, bats and balls, hop scotch, ankle slippers, chalk, frisbees etc - £400

School discos - £150


Lawthorn Parent Council

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Lawthorn Parent Council  •  Irvine

Outdoor metal storage shed - L-2.6 X H- 2.1 x W- 1.54 

This is a medium outdoor container at the cost of £1700.

Funds from the summer fayre will be used to make up the difference from our parent council contribution. 

This additional storage would allow us to fund further outdoor resources that children across all of our year groups can enjoy during a host of activities with their teachers. At the moment, although we have purchased outdoor engagement material they are in a near-by locker as the school simply does not have the capacity to store the additional equipment, therefore access is limited.

We have watched children thrive as they engage in an array of learning outdoors. Research has proven the link between positive mental health and the outdoors in both adults and children, it is not biased to age, sex, race or ethnicity therefore anyone is free to enjoy it, and as it lends itself so perfectly to team-building activities the children, following limited social engagement have learned, or re-learned how to interact and socialise with eachother through such activities. This was crucially important to the children who have recently left to begin their next phase of learning at secondary school. The pupils within Lawthorn follow our scottish governments curriculum for excellence which aims to provide our children with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the world we live in. The children have spoken so positively about any outdoor endeavours that they get access to, learning about the importance of being both physically well and mentally well to not only achieve their physical growth milestones but their academic ones also.

Showtime Youth Theatre.jpg

Showtime Youth Theatre

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Tricia  •  Irvine

The money would be used to put on a Theatre Show in March 2024 to assist with costumes, props and scenery.

The young people gain experience with performing and working together which builds their mental and physical wellbeing, communication and teamwork skills and builds confidence and trust. Most importantly they mix all of these skills with having fun and growing together. The Showtime Youth Theatre assists young people to express themselves; gain confidence with public activities and ensures that nursery, primary and secondary school young people interact and the culmination of learning songs, dances and acting skills creates a fantastic performance.

The young people are working very hard every week to learn their new dances/routines and whilst we have auditions for the lead parts, all young people have an active and inclusive part to play whether it is in acting, dancing, singing or drama. This builds not only confidence but also maintains positive mental and physical wellbeing and entertains the people of Ayrshire whilst being a fun activity.  One main aim is the development of our young people and to watch them grow throughout the years but we also wish for our local community in Ayrshire to thrive and we therefore try to source and support our local businesses as much as we can.

The Showtime Youth Theatre is an integral part of Irvine life as the young people participate in Marymass, put on shows at Fullarton Connexions, for the Ayrshire Hospice and sing Christmas Carols within local Supermarkets. The young people also learn the value of team work, kindness, community spirit and about the Irvine locality when they bag pack and fundraise in local shops and supermarkets.

Through participating in a show and working on their group activities and then as a whole team together, the young people gain many skills from teamwork to trust to understanding others and working at different paces to reach their end goal, showing how hard work and participation gives achievement and puts on a fantastic show which is fun and benefits them.

The main benefactors of the funding are the young people but it is also the Instructors and friends and family who get to enjoy all the hard work when they see the performances and smiles on the faces.

Costumes - ready made outfits and dance costumes –14 x £15 - £210;  45 x £9 - £405; 20 x £10 - £200;  = £815.00

Material, thread/ribbon/accessories - 4 x £4 - £16; 4 x £5 - £20 (materials); £50 (accessories and threads) = £86.00

Props – £24.00

Scenery - hire of some ready made scene landscapes and paint/brushes for handmade elements - £75.00


Barnardo's Christmas Outing

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Fiona  •  Irvine

Barnardo's Christmas Pantomime

We would like to take 25 young people (with 5 staff) to see a Christmas Pantomime.

Panto tickets @£15 each = £450

Food/drink before the Panto and snack bags = £325

Transport - Bus hire = £225

Total = £1,000


Youth Legacy Action Team

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Morgan Blackie  •  Irvine

We would like to have a free bite to eat during each group as this is something that we are often asking for. The Legacy Centre currently runs a group on a sunday “Food chat and chill” which is one of our most popular groups and provides young people with a free hot meal. This has shown us that other young people as well as ourselves benefit from a free meal and snack while we are at the youth group during the week. We would like there to be a choice of tuckshop sweets for young people to choose one per night and a range of juice for young people to access. We would also like to stock a range of noodles for young people to have when they are visiting. 

£250 - tuckshop snacks 

£250 - juice 

£500 - noodles 


Sports Council

2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  Sports Council  •  Irvine

We would like to provide sports clothing to the young people in the Irvine area to allow them to have access to free sporting sessions.  As a Sports Council we provide a range of the activities (most are not at capacity) but we currently cannot provide the sports kit to allow some young people the ability to access. We feel under capacity is likely to be due to them not having kit. 

Cheap dri-fit sports tshirts = approx £6 -7 per item.  

Cheap dri-fit sports shorts =approx £7 per item 

We would look to help up to 100-120 pupils and would look to variety of sellers to try and get best deal.  From our inital research we can buy this for reasonable price and we would go for best, and cheapest, to get us the most amount of items.  

This will then allow them to access the 12-15 sports clubs that we run.  
