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Lawthorn Parent Council

L Lawthorn Parent Council  •  2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Investment project code: 383

Estimated Price



Throughout lockdowns we have saw an increase in children becoming more comfortable sitting with devices than embracing all things outdoors. We know the huge benefits outdoor learning and play has on their mental health and well-being and introducing this as early as possible is crucial. Following periods of lockdowns we found many of our children struggle to interact and socialise, through outdoor learning/play we have reaped the benefits of not only these barriers reducing but through this they are being shown how the outdoors is benefitting them physically as well as mentally, often giving teachers the opportunty to have informal chats around healthy eating and its importance to them as they grow.  Following consultation with our young people, through the pupil focus group, they have asked if they could have some more resources for them to enjoy and learn outdoors with.  Following this the parent council purchased some of the "Operation Play Outdoors"  den building packages. These have had such amazing feedback from all year groups, however in order to provide more outdoor resources we must provide somewhere safe to store future purchases.   


Outdoor metal storage shed - L-2.6 X H- 2.1 x W- 1.54 

This is a medium outdoor container at the cost of £1700.

Funds from the summer fayre will be used to make up the difference from our parent council contribution. 

This additional storage would allow us to fund further outdoor resources that children across all of our year groups can enjoy during a host of activities with their teachers. At the moment, although we have purchased outdoor engagement material they are in a near-by locker as the school simply does not have the capacity to store the additional equipment, therefore access is limited.

We have watched children thrive as they engage in an array of learning outdoors. Research has proven the link between positive mental health and the outdoors in both adults and children, it is not biased to age, sex, race or ethnicity therefore anyone is free to enjoy it, and as it lends itself so perfectly to team-building activities the children, following limited social engagement have learned, or re-learned how to interact and socialise with eachother through such activities. This was crucially important to the children who have recently left to begin their next phase of learning at secondary school. The pupils within Lawthorn follow our scottish governments curriculum for excellence which aims to provide our children with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the world we live in. The children have spoken so positively about any outdoor endeavours that they get access to, learning about the importance of being both physically well and mentally well to not only achieve their physical growth milestones but their academic ones also.

Location: Lawthorn Parent Council actively communicates with representatives from our pupil focus groups to ensure their voices are being heard and we support their learning in a way they will enjoy.

Don't have defined milestones