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Eligible applications: Irvine

Total budget £16,520

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Irvine Meadow 2009

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Irvine Meadow2009  •  Irvine

As a club we are always trying to improve the opportunities available to the children however we are constantly coming up against financial barriers due to the rising costs of hiring pitches, referee fees, coaches education and general equipment. We are currently raising money to take the team to a football tournament in Blackpool during the easter weekend 2024 which is a 3 night stay including 2 days of football for the children. This is a great opportunity for the team to socialise and have a weekend with their family and friends whilst playing competitive football.  Being accepted for this grant would help us reach our target ensuring that no boy misses out due to the cost for their family. The club are trying to cover the cost of the boys to reduce the amount that families need to pay however if we manage to raise more then we can reduce the costs further for families.

Cost of tournament fee - £140

Cost of accommodation for players - £2588

Cost of accommodation including parents - £6628


Dreghorn Primary Parent Council Funding Inclusive Whole School Trip

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  DreghornPrimaryPC  •  Irvine

The project is to fund a whole school trip for the all the pupils who attend Dreghorn Primary School, this includes the EYC, ESR pupils and pupils in Primaries 1-7. We want to provide an fun local outdoor trip for Summer Term 2024  which will consolidate and enhance the learning from within the school environment and make memories that will last a lifetime.

In the spirit of collaboration and in support for the Community Wealth Building approach we are in discussions with local Ayrshire companies to arrange a suitable venue that can accommodate the whole school group paying particular attention to the additional requirements for our pupils within our ESR.

The cost of the whole school trip is split into 2 parts 

1) Transportation of pupils - buses. Approx cost £500. We want to endorse North Ayrshire Community Wealth Building approach and support local transport businesses within North Ayrshire.

2) Venue cost - covering the cost of the pupils, carers and as the risk assessment  states the  required teacher/helper  to child ratio cost.  Approx cost £500.


St John Ogilvie PTA

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  KD21  •  Irvine

Following discussion with the children they would like to promote their health and well-being and encourage outdoor play. They would like to build better relationships with their peers through team building exercises and find that through outdoor play this could be achieved.

The children also love a school disco. The PTA always thrive to make these a free event that children can attend to meet their friends outwith school. A free snack and drink is always provided.

Below are details of how the grant would be spent:

Football nets x 2 - £325

Footballs x 10 - £125

Outdoor equipment such as skipping ropes, basket ball nets, bats and balls, hop scotch, ankle slippers, chalk, frisbees etc - £400

School discos - £150


Young Ambassadors Programme

2023-09-12  •  No comments  •  Hollie Allardyce  •  Irvine

We would like to hold a conference at the Portal in Irvine to provide training for over 200 Young Ambassadors from S1-6 supported by Active Schools Staff which enables them to provide sporting opportunities within their school extra curricular programmes and within their localties, working with local sport clubs and partners. (Hire of the portal - £400)

We would like to purchase t-shirts and badges supported by Active Schools staff, so that our 200 plus young people have a sense on belonging and can be identifed at extra curricular clubs and events and also within our local commuinities (Tshirts - £400, Badges - £200). 

Our programme will help young people confidence, commuincation skills, leadership skills, team work, problem solving and its really fun to be part of.  


5th Dreghorn Rangers

5th Dreghorn Rangers

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  oliviaerinhughes  •  Irvine

  • The girls are beginning to represent their community at wider events and we would like a unit flag which costs £91 for these events.
  • The current hall cost is £88 a year 
  • End-of-year badge cost per girl £20
  • Craft budget £150

We would also like to seek funding to organise a camping trip for the girls. Due to the small nature of the group, we have not had the funding opportunity to arrange an end-of-year trip. The cost per girl would be £50, this would be a total cost of £600 to stay at the Blair activity centre with 3 leaders. This is the minimum cost as we would need funding for food £150, resources £200 and badges £30. 

We are asking for £1,000 to help cover the costs of our budget for our small local unit to the end of the year. 



Extended Pathway and disabled ramp access

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Irvine Cricket Club  •  Irvine

Our car park is hardcore and is regularly flooding and is very uneven. Families use this car park to attend cricket matches and training nights. To make it easier for access to our grounds we are looking to extend a current pathway that starts at our building deep into the existing car park area in order for families to reverse park cars and remove wheelchairs , prams from car boots etc and have an easier walk and far safer entrance into our area. It will also means everyone arrives dry and clean which makes it easier as well. We will also be building a ramp access into our changing rooms and toilet area for families and wheelchair users to access without having to go across to our main sports club building. The cost will be £1850 for the ramp, pathway construction including materials and labour. We have £1000 raised towards this project and would like to apply for £850.

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Our Fun time Playground

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Woodlands parent council  •  Irvine

The children of Woodlands Primary have taken a vote and decided that they would like to have our markings in the playgound renewed as most have worn away. When speaking with them they have spoken out to wanting more activites that they can do within the sports element, this way it helps keeping them healthy by being active which also helps in the mental well being. 

The kids have asked for Netball court to be painted as well as other amazing educational markings and games that could help with the younger end of the school.

We are still waiting to hear from contractors for the pricing and costs for the paint and labour to make this amazing project possible for the kids at Woodlands Primary


Castlepark Primary School - Breakfast Club

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Castleparkpc  •  Irvine

Breakfast Club at Castlepark Primary School gives pupils a settled start to their school day with fun activities and a healthy nutrious breakfast. The Breakfast Club runs each morning with healthy options for Breakfast followed by activities such as sports games, arts and crafts and board games.

Castlepark Primary School Parent Council are applying for £1000 of funding to support the daily running of Breakfast Club. The funding will purchase new resources for Breakfast Club along with food to support the provision for the school year. 

Breakdown of Costs

£150 - Resources/games/toys

£850 - Food provision for Breakfast Club


Lawthorn Parent Council

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Lawthorn Parent Council  •  Irvine

Outdoor metal storage shed - L-2.6 X H- 2.1 x W- 1.54 

This is a medium outdoor container at the cost of £1700.

Funds from the summer fayre will be used to make up the difference from our parent council contribution. 

This additional storage would allow us to fund further outdoor resources that children across all of our year groups can enjoy during a host of activities with their teachers. At the moment, although we have purchased outdoor engagement material they are in a near-by locker as the school simply does not have the capacity to store the additional equipment, therefore access is limited.

We have watched children thrive as they engage in an array of learning outdoors. Research has proven the link between positive mental health and the outdoors in both adults and children, it is not biased to age, sex, race or ethnicity therefore anyone is free to enjoy it, and as it lends itself so perfectly to team-building activities the children, following limited social engagement have learned, or re-learned how to interact and socialise with eachother through such activities. This was crucially important to the children who have recently left to begin their next phase of learning at secondary school. The pupils within Lawthorn follow our scottish governments curriculum for excellence which aims to provide our children with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the world we live in. The children have spoken so positively about any outdoor endeavours that they get access to, learning about the importance of being both physically well and mentally well to not only achieve their physical growth milestones but their academic ones also.


Youth Legacy Action Team

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Morgan Blackie  •  Irvine

We would like to have a free bite to eat during each group as this is something that we are often asking for. The Legacy Centre currently runs a group on a sunday “Food chat and chill” which is one of our most popular groups and provides young people with a free hot meal. This has shown us that other young people as well as ourselves benefit from a free meal and snack while we are at the youth group during the week. We would like there to be a choice of tuckshop sweets for young people to choose one per night and a range of juice for young people to access. We would also like to stock a range of noodles for young people to have when they are visiting. 

£250 - tuckshop snacks 

£250 - juice 

£500 - noodles 
