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Young Ambassadors Programme

H Hollie Allardyce  •  2023-09-12  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Investment project code: 365

Estimated Price



At the heart of the Young Ambassador programme is our principle that our views, and those of other young people are heard, valued and influence decision making; and that they are engaged in driving sporting change in our school and in the community.

In this context our Young Ambassador role has two key bits:

  • to promote sport, and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport in a wide range of settings within their local communities, including schools, clubs and community organisations
  • to influence six key aspects of school sport: 
    • extra-curricular sport provision
    • links to community sport opportunities
    • opportunities for extra- curricular competition 
    • celebration of young people achievements in sport
    • leadership opportunities for young people

As role models and leaders for other young people, Young Ambassadors can have a pivotal role within their school and wider community. We have a Young Ambassador comittee in each school and it is pupil lead and supported by school staff and Active Schools Staff. 


We would like to hold a conference at the Portal in Irvine to provide training for over 200 Young Ambassadors from S1-6 supported by Active Schools Staff which enables them to provide sporting opportunities within their school extra curricular programmes and within their localties, working with local sport clubs and partners. (Hire of the portal - £400)

We would like to purchase t-shirts and badges supported by Active Schools staff, so that our 200 plus young people have a sense on belonging and can be identifed at extra curricular clubs and events and also within our local commuinities (Tshirts - £400, Badges - £200). 

Our programme will help young people confidence, commuincation skills, leadership skills, team work, problem solving and its really fun to be part of.  


Location: We believe that young people make a meaningful and important contribution as leaders in sport, and that young people should have access to a range of opportunities of leadership roles which reflect their interests and abilities.

Don't have defined milestones