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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £24,725

Saltcoats Mindful Makers Poster

Saltcoats Mindful Makers

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  elemay  •  Three Towns

Mindful Makers supports Health and Wellbeing in the Three Towns. Our mantra is ‘Be Kind to Your Mind’ (see Descriptive Image attached), and we will build on our successful previous projects (see Document 1 attached, Saltcoats Mindful Makers Report July 2023). We are a non-registered not-for-profit group and are applying for funding to continue teaching and nurturing creative textile skills in the context of mindfulness and social connection. Our aim is to combat loneliness, so we bring people together in a positive and safe environment while building confidence through the acquisition and practice of new skills. We also aim to enhance emotional resilience, by encouraging and challenging people to adapt to new techniques; for instance, in August we explored how being outdoors in nature can heighten the stress-reducing benefits of mindfulness, and the success of this exercise meant that we intend to repeat it annually. To meet the increased demand for Mindful Makers activities over this past year we doubled engagement opportunities for participants who come from all across the Three Towns. Please see the Box below for a description of how we organise our activities.  Funding goes to the provision of materials, and workshops and tutoring are provided free of charge to ensure there is no financial barrier to participation amongst vulnerable and/or disadvantaged communities (see Document 2 attached for a few examples of Mindful Makers activities). Mindful Makers will provide a warm welcome throughout the winter at Saltcoats Library, and through our outreach work at CLASP HOPE in Stevenston, while a link has been established for outreach work in Ardrossan where we plan to hold an Introductory Workshop at the Library in January 2024. Additional activities already planned for the next few months include:  A further 6-week outreach textile project at CLASP HOPE in Stevenston starting on 19 September; we will be supporting the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival in October by holding an extended workshop focussing on the benefits of mindfulness and shared experiences for mental well-being, and also involve Saltcoats Book Group using carefully selected reading materials; we will support a collaborative community fund-raising event in conjunction with CLASP HOPE in October where we will sell items produced using participants’ new skills to raise additional funds to support our sustainability. Through a link with Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society made at the North Ayrshire Participatory Budgeting and Chit Chat event we are proposing to hold a field trip as the basis for a creative project.

We are applying for funding of £600, to reflect the enormously increased costs of materials in recent months and our greater number of participants. £550 will be for materials, and £50 for awareness-raising and hand-outs.

Ardeer Quarry Local Nature Reserve, with the proposed wetland outlined in blue.

Archaeological survey work in aid of wetland nature reserve creation

2023-09-09  •  No comments  •  FRIENDS  •  Three Towns

We will soon create a large (1 hectare), shallow wetland at Ardeer Quarry Local Nature Reserve in Stevenston to benefit biodiversity and make the reserve a more interesting and enjoyable place to visit. We received planning permission last year, and one of the planning conditions was that an archaeologist oversees the creation of the wetland to ensure that the groundworks don't disturb any undiscovered archaeological relics that might be at the site. Before we can apply for funding to create the wetland, we need to fund the production of an archaeological method statement, which will then be signed-off by NAC, allowing us to move forward with the creation of the wetland. The single cost is an Archaeological Method Statement (which sets out for NAC how the archaeologist will oversee the construction of the wetland) at £318.

Residents Steering Group

The David White Hub (Sheltered Housing)

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  The David White Hub (Sheltered Housing)  •  Three Towns

We would like to purchase a bingo machine to help boost our weekly bingo and encourage more residents to take part. We would also like to run a day out and host a Christmas Lunch with live entertainment.

Bingo Machine and cards £200

Christmas Lunch for all residents £360

Christmas Party Entertainer £100

Bus Hire for Trip for residents £340


Community Garden

2023-09-17  •  1 comment  •  Nathan Payne  •  Three Towns

The Ardrossan Church of the Nazarene is based on Glasgow Street, Ardrossan and is well used by both the church and the community. The church building is open daily and hosts a range of church and community activities, groups and events.

We are planning on redeveloping the grounds by the side entrances of the church (which are the main entrances during the week) into a safe and welcoming community space. This space will include a seating area where visitors to the building, or members of the community who are passing through, can sit and rest or socialise. The space will also include a growing area with raised beds built and installed, where members of the community can come and work together to grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables. Raised beds will enable people of all abilities to particilate, and the space will also be wheelchair accessible.

Both of these elements will help to combat things like social isolation and contribute towards the positive physical and mental wellbeing of members of the community. The growing area in particular  will also help to build confidence, and resilience, as well as building community. We are requesting funds specifically to go towards the development of the growing area.


Raised Planters - £574

Compost - £357

Raising Community Spirits

Older and Wiser

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club  •  Three Towns

It is intended to extend the use of the facilities to other local groups including pensioners, those with Alzheimer's/Dementia, and a friendly hub for those who would otherwise find themselves suffering from isolation. It is centrally located and it is intended to offer a wide range of activities from bingo, cards, dominoes to book exchange, colouring books, nostalgia and gentle exercise. As those who suffer from Alzheimer's and Dementia are susceptible to certain colours it is intended to repaint internally(£400) and also offer a change of coloured crockery (£100). Whilst materials for the activities would also have to be obtained (£200).  The Function Suite are also keen to offer a variety of entertainment each month for the general public to attend including music, race nights, etc (£300).  We feel that the Function Suite can play an important role in the integration of people from all age groups, genders, ethnicity and will try wherever possible to be all inclusive.


Creative Recycling - Christmas Project

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Creative Girls  •  Three Towns

Cancer has touched every family wether its someone we know, or one of our own loved ones.

To show a little kindness and let them know we are thinking of them, we would like to involve the community in sewing Christmas Cushions and stockings for donations to The Ayrshire Hospice and The Beatson Hospital.

We will host 3 half day sewing sessions for local people to come along and volunteer their time to create christmas cushions and stocking for the christmas project.

We dont have a laptop or internet access in our workspace and use our own mobile data. To show tutorials at workshops and communicate information of the workshops and the achivements would help us promote what we do.

To help us achieve this project we ask for:

Laptop-£ 339.00

Christmas Fabric -£200.00

Cushion inserts-£150.00 


SeaSalt Streets Pop-Up Events / Re-Building Community Spirit

2023-09-16  •  1 comment  •  glennturner50  •  Three Towns

Seasalt Streets intend to run a series of events in and around the town centre. These events are intended to create a talking point, a feel good factor, a want to get involved and inspire others to create their own event thereby starting a Ripple Effect !!! The group intend to organise pop-ups which are different to the norm in Saltcoats town centre.

Our ideas vary from Smoothie bikes - bicycles with blenders attached which the rider uses to create fruit and / or milk smoothies, old style kerbie days - the game where opponents try to bounce a football back from the opposite "kerb", a "free for all stage" where locals and others can showcase their talents - poetry reading, violin playing, dancing, joke telling etc.  Other ideas include pop-up sample sessions using established groups to promote their clubs and increase membership. Clubs interested include NATTC (North Ayrshire Table Tennis Club). Shibumi Karate Club, Dance Mafia (Hip Hop dancing), LeROC (line dance etc).

All of the events are targeted at community building, health and wellbeing, promoting mental health and encouraging economic growth.

If successful, SeaSalt Streets intend to use the funding to purchase a large gazebo (6m x 3m) to showcase their event (regardless of weather). The gazebo will be a vivid colour making it visible from a distance, encouraging people to inquire more !!!  The cost of this gazebo, including protective sides, leg weights and carry case is £699.00

The group would use the balance of the funding to purchase (a)  SeaSalt Streets branded "T" shirts and hoodies for existing group members (8) to enable them to be identified as points of contact for enquiries and security reasons, and (b) to purchase branded promotional material to promote and grow the group membership. this is costed at £200.00 for clothing and £100.00 for merchandise,


3rd Ardrossan Rainbows

2023-09-07  •  No comments  •  Kerry Elliott  •  Three Towns

We love to give our girls great opportunities and experiences. the money will go towards our annual sleepover, crafts, our christmas trip and a science evening provided by silly science..

Sleepover - £300 Christmas trip - £300 Silly Science - £200 Crafts - £200


Three Towns Opportunities in retirement ( OIR)

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Three towns Opportunities in Retirement (OIR)  •  Three Towns

Trip to Lanarkshire house. Coach 650 pounds

Entrance 520 pounds.

afternnon tea cost will be paid by participants.

Panto trip - 40 people; £250 for coach hire and 50 people to go to Stirling castle trip to subsidise £15 entrance costs. 


Life Lines

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  Saltcoats Link Up  •  Three Towns

Life Lines is a group that supports and promotes Suicide awareness. The group have been runing for a number of years and have made information packs. With the change over the last few years organisations in the information pack have changed. Life lines have now become Digital. They launched this new tool on Suicide Awareness day this year. 

This group works closely with organisations to add them to the resource. Being digital they can add and remove numbers and details so the the resource is kept up to date. 

The group would like to apply for: Pop up banners x 2 £150 each, Gazebo  £350, and promotional materials £350. Having the QR code on these items could be the life line that the person needs. 

This will allow the group to attend information days and have pop up stalls promoting  positive mental health awareness. 
