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Community Garden

N Nathan Payne  •  2023-09-17  •  1 comment  •  Three Towns  • 


Investment project code: 451

Estimated Price



We are looking to redevelop our outdoor space into a community garden area with seating and raised beds to grow fruit and vegetables.


The Ardrossan Church of the Nazarene is based on Glasgow Street, Ardrossan and is well used by both the church and the community. The church building is open daily and hosts a range of church and community activities, groups and events.

We are planning on redeveloping the grounds by the side entrances of the church (which are the main entrances during the week) into a safe and welcoming community space. This space will include a seating area where visitors to the building, or members of the community who are passing through, can sit and rest or socialise. The space will also include a growing area with raised beds built and installed, where members of the community can come and work together to grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables. Raised beds will enable people of all abilities to particilate, and the space will also be wheelchair accessible.

Both of these elements will help to combat things like social isolation and contribute towards the positive physical and mental wellbeing of members of the community. The growing area in particular  will also help to build confidence, and resilience, as well as building community. We are requesting funds specifically to go towards the development of the growing area.


Raised Planters - £574

Compost - £357

Location: Ardrossan Church of the Nazarene has been active in and around Glasgow Street for over 100 years. We are a group of people who are committed to God, to each other and to our local area. We love Ardrossan and do our best to be useful to help the town grow and thrive.

Proposed on behalf of: Ardrossan Church of the Nazarene

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