Archaeological survey work in aid of wetland nature reserve creation
Investment project code: 317
Estimated Price
The money would fund archaeological work to oversee wetland creation at Ardeer Quarry LNR in Stevenston, making sure the project does not impact any undiscovered archaeological relics that might be there.
We will soon create a large (1 hectare), shallow wetland at Ardeer Quarry Local Nature Reserve in Stevenston to benefit biodiversity and make the reserve a more interesting and enjoyable place to visit. We received planning permission last year, and one of the planning conditions was that an archaeologist oversees the creation of the wetland to ensure that the groundworks don't disturb any undiscovered archaeological relics that might be at the site. Before we can apply for funding to create the wetland, we need to fund the production of an archaeological method statement, which will then be signed-off by NAC, allowing us to move forward with the creation of the wetland. The single cost is an Archaeological Method Statement (which sets out for NAC how the archaeologist will oversee the construction of the wetland) at £318.
Location: FRIENDS was formed almost 30 years ago to improve the wild greenspaces in the local area for the benefit of local people and biodiversity. We undertake projects such as wetland creation, orchard creation and woodland planting.
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