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Investment projects with scope: Kilwinning

Total budget £6,631

Eglinton Growers

Eglinton Growers Allotments

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  Eglinton Growers Allotments  •  Kilwinning

Easter treats /santa gift £500

Easter/Christmas crafts £100

Decorations £250

outdoor games £150


Play Leaders supported by St Luke's Parent Council

2023-09-16  •  No comments  •  CNess  •  Kilwinning

The Play Leaders have been trained in the Move and Improve Programme and work in partnership with Active Schools, local clubs and secondary pupils to organise clubs, events and opportunities throughout the yearly calendar.  After having consulted over 200 children, they approached the Parent Council to request their help in funding their Play Leader Programme.  The Parent Council fully support the Play Leaders aim to improve the fitness, health and happiness of all children and endorse their application for funding to purchase new pla7 and sporting equipment.  On a daily basis, the Play Leaders will deliver various clubs in the playground which will be free and accessible to all from Primary 1 to Primary 7.  They will support children in developing their social, mental and physical knowledge and skills and will teach them new games and sports.  The Play Leaders have already gained great leadership skills, demonstrated teamwork and sportsmanship during training and in planning and organising their activities.  They have researched the equipment they require for these clubs and have itemised them and their cost in the below grid. 


Urban Lawn Croquet Set £64.95

Partner Leg Tie 6 Pack £19.62

Egg and Spoons 6 Pack £64.80

Skip Fit Pack £55.88

Balance Sliders £60

Tennis Ball Essential Tub of 60 £58.31

Skipping Rope 4 pack (2m) £5.47

Eurohoc Hockey Sticks and Balls (6 pack) £96

Centurion Nero Training Ball 12 pack £90

Centurion Junior Tag Rugby Belts 20 Pack £44.95

Zoft Club Badminton Racket (Mini) £35.70

Zoft Club Badminton Racket (Junior) £35.70

Urban Pop Up Badminton Post Set £27.50

Echelon E100 Badminton Shuttlecocks £4.50

Apollo Aluminium Relay £12.95

Ziland Speed Agility Training Hurdles £26.10

Zoft Touch Dodgeball 6 inch (red) £29.95

Zoft Touch Dodgeball 6 inch (yellow) £29.95

Ziland Academy uPvC Match Goal (6ftx4ft) £89.90

Mitre Impel Training Football (12 pack) £94.95

Mitre Arena Basketballs (12 pack) £69.95


Kilwimbeldon Tennis Club

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  colin.hunter  •  Kilwinning

£1000 to be applied for to go towards Tennis nets, rackets and tennis balls

KAPC_BetterU_KA Badge.jpg

Kilwinning Academy Parent Council

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning Academy Parent Council  •  Kilwinning

Kilwinning Academy Parent Council is a very active and supportive group of parents who work together to ensure young poeple are able to access the range of educational and wellbeing opportunities provided by the school or other services.

As a group we meet once a month with the Head Teacher to find ways to address any issues raised by parents but also to promote the fantastic progress and achievements many young people have made.

Part of our focus is on finding ways to support learning and teaching which will support raising attainment and an outcome, but more recenlty we are very aware of the growing concerns parents have over the Mental Health and Wellbeing of pupils at the school and in the community.  As a group we have apporached the school to find ways to support groups of young people who may be struggling with their mental health and wellbeing resulting in those been identified as struggling to reach their potential.    One distinct group we wish to help on this occasion is the growing concerns over young male pupils who are struggling to engage in their learning and are unwilling to accept the usual supports offered by the school.

As parents we agree that one of the best ways to engage young males is through providing high quality sport and fitness activities delivered by specialists out with the school environment.  So as a group we have identified a Kilwinning company, "BetterU Fitness" who have a number of highly trained professionals with a range of experience of supporting young people.  Our application for funding would cover the costs and activities provided by the BetterU Fitness staff.  The plan would be for a targeted group of young male pupils, identified by the school, to participate in an eight-week programme delivered during school time at the BetterU Fitness unit at the Nethermains Industrustlal Estate.


Discussion with the school has resulted a shared understanding that the intended benefits of this project to those involved would out way any time lost to lessons due to concerns over their engagement in school.  Following this discussion, the school is very keen to monitor the scucess of this project and will commit to funding another group if this project provides to be a success.


BetterU Provision provide for the £997.88 bid

  • Fully qualified coach for session delivery 2 sessions per week for up to 8 weeks
  • Facilties and all required equipment
  • Planning and delivery of sessions in line with age and stage of development
  • Focus on supporting participant's fitness and mental health and wellbeing
  • Personal clothing item for each participant



It is hoped that by the end of the 8-week programme the participants will be fitter, be more willing to discuss the support required to reach their full potential at school and feel more positive about their own mental health and wellbeing.




Kilwinning MultiSports Club

2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  MiaBuchanan1  •  Kilwinning

We are looking for funding to purchase equipment to run more Multisports clubs across the Kilwinning area, to increase participation and activity levels in the community. We are also looking to book the local Sports club, to invite all of the community primary schools to multiple different events such as a football, netball and athletics, allowing the local schools to meet up and aid in the integration of the Kilwinning community. Finally, we are looking to purchase a small PA/Speaker system, in order to run larger events and allow all of the participants in the community to hear us.

Approximate breakdown of cost is as follows:

Let Costs - £450

Multisport Equipment - £350

PA System - £200.

Total - £1000


Whitehirst Park Primary Parent Council

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Whitehirst Park Primary Parent Council  •  Kilwinning

Transport to events - £750

Resources for Sport and the Arts - £250
