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Whitehirst Park Primary Parent Council

W Whitehirst Park Primary Parent Council  •  2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 

Investment project code: 402

Estimated Price



We are looking to secure funding which will be used to support the pupils of Whitehirst Park Primary school. Funding will be used for transport, which will allow pupils to attend sporting events and events involving the arts (Music, Drama and Expressive Arts). Securing this funding will ensure that we can work actively to support our children from the school by allowing them to experience a range of opportunites whilst enhancing their learning. The opportunities to engage them in the lessons and learning they are exposed to in school, but in an out of school environment will help them understand the importane of their learning and give them long lasting memories. Some additional funding will be used to supplement the in-school resources related to these subjects.  


Transport to events - £750

Resources for Sport and the Arts - £250

Location: We are a parent council group, who are continuing to develop our ability to positively support the pupils at Whitehirst Park Primary.

Don't have defined milestones