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Kilwinning MultiSports Club

M MiaBuchanan1  •  2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  Kilwinning  • 

Investment project code: 408

Estimated Price



We are a group of young leaders who help facilitate Multisports clubs and events for the local youth community in the Kilwinning area.


We are looking for funding to purchase equipment to run more Multisports clubs across the Kilwinning area, to increase participation and activity levels in the community. We are also looking to book the local Sports club, to invite all of the community primary schools to multiple different events such as a football, netball and athletics, allowing the local schools to meet up and aid in the integration of the Kilwinning community. Finally, we are looking to purchase a small PA/Speaker system, in order to run larger events and allow all of the participants in the community to hear us.

Approximate breakdown of cost is as follows:

Let Costs - £450

Multisport Equipment - £350

PA System - £200.

Total - £1000

Location: We are a group of Young Leaders in Kilwinning who work with our Sports Coordinator to provide sporting opportunities across the Kilwinning Community. Along with 50+ other young sports coaches, we attend the local schools after the school day and deliver free sporting opportunities to all students, primary 1 to S6 across the whole of Kilwinning. Finally, we help organise local events to bring the local community together and participate in fun sports.

Don't have defined milestones