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Eligible applications: North Coast

Total budget £17,621

Tai -chi

Tai -Chi

2023-09-02  •  No comments  •  •  North Coast

This is a continuation of an activity that we have been running since August 2022 following a successful bid to Last years NAC Participatory Fund.  costs are 

£30 per half hour session with Instructor 

£25 for Room Hire 

£0 for  advertising via social media & DFL website



Groundhog Welfare unit rear.

Skelmorlie Secret Bunker Groundhog Welfare Unit.

2023-09-04  •  3 comments  •  Secret Bunker  •  North Coast

Access to the toilet compartment at the rear of the Groundhog involves stepping up/down a distance of approx 25cm and closing the metal door behind you.

 This is further complicated by the Groundhog welfare unit lying on a slightly downward facing slope.

Our museum visitors and walkers/cyclists passing by on stage 12 of the Ayrshire coastal path have free access to our Groundhog toilet compartment during our opening times from April to September and this covers all age ranges and from individuals to families.

We have attempted to reduce any access difficulty to the toilet compartment by the temporary positioning of two wooden pallets to act as an intermediate step, however due to the exposed nature of the site and wooden material these now require replacement.

We have approached a long established blacksmith based in Largs and they can design, manufacture and install a steel frame covered by an aluminium durbar sheet which has a raised pattern feature to form a non-slip surface in any direction and which will form a platform with the same dimensions as the existing pallet area for £960 including vat..

This will act as a permanent solution making access/egress easier, while spending the money within the North Coast to the benefit of the business and its employees.

We are hoping to develop in the coming year an approach to those individuals or groups looking to improve their physical fitness and mental health by providing a free resource rest and/or turn round stop at our site which is 3 miles north of Largs on what was previously known as the red road from Routenburn Golf course to the Meigle.

Our free admission museum is available for visits from those with mobility issues and both our museum and welfare unit are powered using  PV solar panels for lighting and communications equipmen as part of our drive to minimise the use of fossil fuels due to not having a mains connection to our museum site..


Cumbrae Community Garden

Improving accessibility within Cumbrae Community Garden

2023-09-10  •  No comments  •  Cumbrae  •  North Coast

We’re planning to pave round 4 raised beds in Cumbrae Community Garden to make access easier for people with restricted mobility, such as wheelchair/mobility scooter users or those needing walking aids. The Community Garden has a positive impact on health and well-being, not only for plot-holders but for the wider community who can access the peaceful outdoor environment of the Garden and take part in organised social events. This project will encourage more participation and improve community cohesion by improving access for people with a range of mobility needs and will help us promote community growing within a more vulnerable group.

The project costs exceed the PB grant limit but we have funding in place from the National Lottery which will meet the balance.


Slabs £1300

Additional materials, delivery costs, labour: £1500

Total project cost £2800

Funding already in place: £1800

Funding requested from PB: £1000


West Kilbride Community Council

2023-09-04  •  No comments  •  WKCC  •  North Coast

We simply need a lap top to zoom for council meetings ensuring those who can't attend in person are not losing the opportunity to participate 

the cost of the required lap top is £950


Clyde Coast & Cumbraes Mens Shed Growth

2023-09-07  •  4 comments  •  treasurer.cccmensshed  •  North Coast

We are looking for funding for Advertising roll up banners, Polo & T shirts with the Sheds Logo & Materials for the Boys to make Items for themselves or the Community.

  • Advertising Roll up banners 2 x £102 = £204 inc vat
  • Advertising T Shirts with Shed Logos 9 x £12 = £108 inc vat
  • Advertising Polo Shirts with Logos 9 x £14.40 = 129.60 inc vat
  • Wood Material from Local Builders Merchant £500

Largs Music Club (LMC)

2023-09-05  •  7 comments  •  Tom Stewart  •  North Coast

I moved to Largs late 2022 and created Largs Music Club soon after in response to the interest I received since floating the idea on social media. 

LMC offers an informal setting for amateur musicians to meet on a regular basis and encourage and teach one another to improve their skill-level on their preferred musical instrument.

The club is growing in popularity since word is out that we existing members offer a friendly and relaxed environment for those keen to learn at their own pace without fear of judgement or impatience.  As membership is growing, so does the variety of instruments being learned and taught. 

The club relies on individuals contributing their time and equipment to teach fellow members how to play their preferred instrument. With funding, I would aim to purchase equipment to make that teaching more accessible - music stands, microphones, microphone stands, a Public Address system, amplifiers, mixing desk and some basic entry level instruments to encourage those who do not own an instrument (but who wish to learn one), to join us.  These items are expensive and realistically will require additional funding from me and some other willing members to supplement any money issued following this application. However, I am confident that your contribution will assist LMC continue to grow in membership and reputation and eventually lead to the club playing music for the community.       

The Public Address system is approximately £500. A couple of small amplifiers will cost an additional £500.   

Our club assists develop confidence as well as musical literacy, with participants being encouraged to play live for friends and family and in time, for larger audiences, once the club starts playing local live shows as per my vision. 

Feedback from participants so far evidence the mental health benefits of playing and learning in our community, a benefit I will highlight as I further promote our initiative in the community.  Our latest member told me that since moving to Largs very recently, she was delighted when, a chance encounter with a then stranger in the park led to her learning about our club. Nervous but curious, she came along with her new friend and has made many more new friends through our practice. That she is also getting better at playing her guitar, almost now seems like a bonus.

We at LMC are extremely grateful for your consideration.

Kind Regards


West Kilbride gala 100623

West Kilbride Village Gala

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  West Kilbride Gala  •  North Coast

West Kilbride Village Gala is seeking funding for storage cages, storage boxes and ground mats.

Large storage cage on wheels with shelving x 1 - £369.59

Tall storage cage on wheels x 2 @ £210.72  -      £421.44

Storage boxes with lids  Pk of 10                  -       £  56.40

Ground Mats (Pk of 4) @£17.99 x 8             -       £143.92

                                              TOTAL             -       £991.35


Skelmorlie Village Hub

2023-09-10  •  1 comment  •  Bill Spiers  •  North Coast

The Community Centre will be used to provide a drop-in facility. It will be a weekly come as you please drop-in for the community providing refreshment, social interaction in a club like environment. It is hoped to offer soup, bread, tea and coffee and biscuits. It is assumed that it will run for 15 weeks from December til March and operate for two hours a week. The likely cost to provide this service is estimated as follows: Soup/bread £45/week, tea/coffee £8/week and venue charge £28/week for 15 weeks total cost is £1215. It is estimated that approximately 30 people per week will attend. Should attendance be such that we consider a small charge per head to be reasonable then that will be used to offset expenses beyond any awarded funds.


Largs Community Council Garden Enhancements

2023-09-06  •  No comments  •  Robbie Stevenson  •  North Coast

Relocate existing central hanging basket framework within garden £50 : Replace with less intrusive (no hanging baskets) metal frame to secure Seasonal Displays in Central position £250

Install new pipe ducting for lighting cables (Christmas Tree) £50 :  Install Two secondary metal frames to secure side seasonal displays £150

Install Two additional half barrels for seasonal planting £50 : install additional paving slabs to displays/garden £150 

Introduce "Largs Community Council Garden" sign to promote group and encourage membership / let people know who maintains garden area £150 

Introduce information sign that advise "what's happening" in Largs ie Viking Fesival, Yuletide, Barrfields Theatre shows etc £150



West Kilbride Yuletide Festival and Xmas lights

WK Yuletide Group - Replacement of electrical system for Xmas lights

2023-08-18  •  2 comments  •  Stuart Fyfe  •  North Coast

The project is in two parts. 

A. Recabling of internal power sources from the consumer unit in each of 6 premises (4 studios, 1 commercial business and the Village Hall) with armoured cabling to an external waterproof junction box. All work to be carried out by certified electrician including testing.

B. Replacement of external wall cabling, installation of weatherproof sockets and connection to newly installed weatherproof junction boxes for 34 motif positions in Ritchie Street and Main Street. All work to be carried out by NAC Buliding Services.

Breakdown of costs (including VAT) 

A. £2400

B. £2000

Total £4400

Note: This application is for £1000 which is a proportion of the total above, we are trying to find the remainder from other sources.
