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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £9,810


2024-08-27  •  No comments  •  TTK Phoenix FC 2011  •  Three Towns

We are TTK Phoenix FC 2011, and we are a newly formed youth football team. We have entered the NASA league an are keen to grow our team to success. As we are new, we are looking to gain some funding to provide some winter clothing for our squad to get us through the upcoming colder months. As well as tracksuits for colder training days. Our team are from the three towns locality and are mainly from SIMD 1 schools. Money can present a challenge, especially for a new team starting out, not to mention in our community and our parents so we would be over the moon to be able to give the boys some suitable winter wear. 

Parents for Stanley

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Lynne Murdoch  •  Three Towns

We are applying for this grant to fund a block of swimming for all Primary 6 pupils. As well as transport to and from Auchenharvie for the pupils to attend Swimmimg lessons 

ACE CLUB members - so excited to start this new project

ACE- Admin Craft Enterprise

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  ACE - Ambassador Craft Enterprise  •  Three Towns

our prodject is primarilly to help pupils learn new skills and develop leadership skills before they leave school and have oppertunitys to work with other pupils as a team.

 this is to spread the cost between materials,manudfacturing process and also products. this money is also to help with future events takeing place and to fund our community project where we build benches and mud kitches for schools,busisnesses and also a big one we completed in the last year is going round all the care homes in the three towns and donating ,flower pots , benches , memorial benches ect. we also plan do used recycled materials and waste from other projects to help the enviroment. We hope you consider our proposal thank you, ACE ( admin,enterprise,craft).

Juice Cups – 35 for 30 

Keyrings - 9.71 for 30 

Permanent Vinyl – 26.90 for pack of 50 

Heat press vinyl – 29.99 for 33 sheets 

Vinyl cutter tools – 8.99  could do with at least 3-4 of these

Small Heat press - 25.95  possibly 2

Tote bags - 8.98 for 10 

Pencil/makeup bags - 12.86 for 10 

Christmas baubles 30 for 9.99 

Lanyards - 11.99 for 8 possibly 30 of those

Heat press mat – 8.99 

Water bottles - 54.34 for 20 

plastic sheets - (tilgear) 100x500     £ 23.75 each  - 

tshirt press - 


St John's Primary School Pupil Council PB Bid

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  St John's Pupil Council  •  Three Towns

We wish to continue with the success of our lunchtime & afterschool clubs. The funds would allow us to pay for transport to take the pupils attending those clubs to upcoming tournaments and events that are organised by North Ayrshire Active Schools. We would add to our existing sports kit to allow the children to be identified and part of the team. We have Young Sports Leaders who have responsibility for promoting physical activity in the playground. Primary 7 undertook training in playground games and have requested playground equipment to fully engage all the children in the school. Some of the fund would be used to purchase this equipment. We will work closely with North Ayrshire’s Active Schools Coordinator to successfully deliver lunchtime clubs, which will run each day for the rest of the academic year. Physical and mental health and wellbeing is always at the heart of St. Johns PS agenda. Afterschool sports clubs are an excellent way to engage children in physical activity and improve their health and mental well-being. Exposing children to sports and physical activity in an afterschool environment encourages them to explore the sport in the community and strengthens the pathways into the sport. It is hoped that the afterschool clubs will encourage more children to participate in sport and thus increase their physical fitness. Due to the cost-of-living crisis, after school clubs are the only opportunity that some children have to participate in sports. Through this fund we wish to improve aspects of fitness and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes. We want to enable learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport and outdoor learning and enhance their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle. The school’s Young Sports Leaders (Primary 6 and 7 pupils) are involved in this application through providing their opinion on the after-school clubs they wish to have established. The have selected the equipment needed for their lunchtime ‘Playground Games’ club.

Sports equipment - £500

School sports kit - £200

Buses to sporting events - £300

TOTAL - £1000


St Peter's Parent Council: sport for all

2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  nicole.cooke1985  •  Three Towns

The after-school classes are offered to all of the pupils at St Peter's. These clubs are free and local to the children, which means parents avoid travelling to drop off/collect their children, and save money on extra-curricular activities. The clubs have many other benefits - as well as developing healthy minds and bodies, they equip the children with valuable skills that will help them throughout their time in school and onto later life. 

To make the clubs more fun and inclusive, sports kits are required for the children to wear in tournaments against other schools. A team kit will help to create a sense of identity and unity among the teams, promote a sense of equality, and help to boost morale and confidence, creating a sense of pride. 

Due to the cost of living crisis, it is not practical to ask parents to contribute to the cost of the kits.

Funding is also required for new sports equipment to be used at the after-school clubs, as well as during class time. 

The funding will be spent on the following: 

Training bibs - £70 Full kits (tops, shorts, socks, etc) for all teams - £700 Sports equipment (netballs, footballs, goals, tennis rackets and balls) - £230 

IMG_6620 2.JPG

5th Ardrossan (St. Peter's) Brownies

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  ceciliawalsh6  •  Three Towns

We are a Brownie unit located in Ardrossan, welcoming girls from Ardrossan, Saltcoats, and Stevenston. Brownies open doors to a world of exciting opportunities, challenges, and fun. During our weekly meetings, the girls gather with friends to explore new hobbies, unleash their creativity, develop new skills, and embark on outdoor adventures. Alongside these activities, they can earn interest badges in areas they’re passionate about. Our programme features six key themes—Know Myself, Express Myself, Be Well, Have Adventures, Take Action, and Skills For My Future—allowing girls to engage in a diverse range of challenges and learn about various topics.


We would like to spend grant money we recieve on an outing for the girls that would be free of charge for them, 

Outing £300

Badges/ Badge books/ Resources £250 

Craft/ cooking supplies £200



2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  ArdeerCentre  •  Three Towns

These cooking classes are important. statistics on poor eating habits in children or families, are only getting higher as well as obesity rates, the lack of nutritional education also means we can step in and offer guidance and first hand help for these families and kids

We will have a chef attend these sessions in our communiy cafe, we will provide all the utensils and take away food tubs and all ingrediants for these classes. 

  • Project Goals:
    • Teach families how to cook quick and healthy meals.
    • Promote healthy eating habits and awareness of nutrition.
    • Encourage family bonding through shared cooking activities.
  • Project Activities
    • Demonstrations of easy, nutritious meals.
    • Hands-on cooking experience for parents and children.
    • Education on nutrition, meal planning, and food budgeting.
  • Fun friendly environment. 

Developing Football

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Ardeer Primary School Parent Council  •  Three Towns

As a Parent Council, our aim is to help improve the health and wellbeing for all pupils by providing opportunites in the playground fro playtimes, lunchtimes and after school clubs. The project we are working on at the moment is participation in football. We have fundrasied £750 so far towards the cost but an additional boost would mean the project could start sooner and the children can begin to reap the benefits.


Pair of 12ft x 6ft  goals cost £1575  (MH 12ft x 6ft Mini Soccer Wheeled Steel Football Goal (

Set of 4 corner flags cost £49.95 (Precision Sprung Corner Posts (Set of 4) (



Ardeer Thistle 2015's

2024-09-05  •  No comments  •  ll88  •  Three Towns

Our team would love to take part in several festivals across the summer break, allowing the children to experience tournament football and being awarded medals. These cost £90 per team, so with the number we have we can often register 2 teams for 7 aside games. For 3 tournaments this would cost £540.

The fee to hire the all weather floodlit pitches costs £85 per week now, so to keep the weekly costs the same for parents and not having to increase fees, the remaining £460 would go towards pitch hire and spare equipment such as bibs, cones, balls.

Anyone For Bowls?

Junior Bowlers

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club  •  Three Towns

Encourage participation from a greater number of young people within the Three Towns by having Open Events/Try Bowls Events - £300

Provide expenses to the young people of the Club who compete in Championship Events - £400

Continue with our Breakfast Project, providing food/drinks at Saturday morning training sessions - £300