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Garnock Valley Boxing for kids
2024-09-13 • No comments • • Garnock Valley
The boxing club in Garnock Valley Fitness Centre has been well established for over 20 years and is a registered charity. The trainers and coaches are made up entirely of volunteers which means that the small training fee charged is reinvested in the club for the benefit of the young people. The fees cover the costs of licences, overheads and equipment. However in order to ensure that fees are affordable for the young people this means that funds can run short for equipment. We are therefore looking for funds to purchase mats. Rubber flooring is the best for boxing gyms as it provides a durable surface and is long lasting. Currently we have mats that cover some of the gym area but as membership expands more of the hall area is used but is uncovered.
Boxing for young people helps to build skills and strengths in confidence, resiliance, self-confidence, ethics and values and healthy living.
Boxing isn't just about throwing punches. Boxing can teach kids the virtue of non-violence. The ring is the only place they can use their boxing skills or they run the risk of loosing their licence. They'll learn about their body, it's capability and limits. They'll engage with their mind, body and spirit. Self-confidence is improved as they learn by their mistakes, face challenges, overcome doubt and improve their technique. Comradeship is gained when the young people train together, spar and compete. They will learn to respect each other.
Boxing has many benefits for young people.
40 mats x £35 = £1400 (club will meet the rest of the costs)

Dalry Parent Council - Uniform Swap Shop
2024-09-12 • No comments • • Garnock Valley
We are aiming to tackle the cost of living crisis by adding to the items in our shop, which is open to all parents and carers of Dalry Primary pupils. The project will be a continuation of our current swap shop, however funds will allow us to be more resourceful and efficient at filling all requests and referrals that come through. We are looking to fund clothing in sizes that we don't currently have and winter items such as hats, gloves and tights.
The cost of living crisis is still affecting a lot of local families and this helps to lessen that by offering free uniforms to families in need. Referrals are dealt with in the strictest of confidence, to ensure trust and reduce any fear or anxiety about asking for help. As well as referrals, the uniforms are put out at school events and parents night for anyone to help themselves.
We get donations from parents and carers throughout the year, however we don't have all sizes or requests available and we want to ensure we can help anyone in need. All donations are washed before being passed on.
Wearing a uniform gives children a sense of pride, self-confidence and a feeling of belonging. It also eliminates the pressures on students to wear expensive and trendy clothing to fit in with peers, therefore keeps everyone the same and easily identifiable!
We estimate £1000 would be a brilliant start to allow us to stock sizes and items that we don't currently have, adding to clothing donations that we collect in from the community at parents nights and school events. A breakdown of the £1000 spend would be:
Fleeces = £17 x 10 = £170
Poloshirts: £10 x 20 = £200
Jumpers: £14 x 20 = £280
Trousers:£7 x 15 = £105
Skirts:£7 x 15 = £105
Hats: £6 x 10 = £60
Gloves:£3 x 10 = £30
Tights: £5 x 10 = £50
Dalry Parent Council - we love supporting our young people, school and wider community!
2024-08-27 • No comments • • Garnock Valley
We are the 102nd Beith Scout Group an dwould like to apply for funding to care for 2 bedding areas
within Beith Town Centre. This will help our Scouts understand the concept of caring for the town thay live in
and gain experience in gardening and help them to gain badges towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Garnock Rugby Club Junior Section
2024-09-20 • No comments • • Garnock Valley
We are the Junior Section of Garnock Rugby Club. We strive to keep rugby as affordable as possible to young people while providing opportunities to promote health and wellbeing through physical activity. We would like to purchase equipment and make a contribution towards the costs the club incurs to hire indoor and astro turf facilities during the winter months. This allows young people to continue to participate in rugby activities during the winter months thus supporting their health and weelbeing (physical and mental). By seeking funding we are able to keep our membership and siubscriptions fees as low as possible to ensure costs are not restrictive in people being involved in the sport.
Equipment £200
Hire of indoor and Astro facilities £800
Total £1000

63rd Ayrshire Scout Group
2024-09-18 • No comments • • Garnock Valley
As a group we would love to offer the children the opportunity to go on a field trip where they have the chance to work, play and learn in a safe, friendly and inclusive environment with their peers. We have a number of younger children with hidden disabilities and being with other children they develop their confidence and the older children learn the skills and the responsibilities of mentoring. This is the youth and future of the Garnock Valley and watching the relationships build and grow outwith of our group is a special bond.
Some of the children in our group do not have the opportunity, due to the cost of living crisis, to broaden their life experiences outwith their immediate environment. Attending a fun day with friends would boost morale and their mental wellbeing. We would also be looking at providing a nutritious meal to all attending, promoting the importance of healthy eating.
The costing for the trip to the Clyde Valley Farm Park would be
Coach hire £600
Entry cost £400
Total £1000
We hope that you will consider our application favourably and look forward to hearing from you in due course.⁹
North Ayrshire Sports Academy
2024-09-18 • No comments • • Garnock Valley
We would like to purchase t-shirts and supported by Active Schools staff, so that our 150 plus young people have a sense on belonging and can be identifed at extra curricular clubs and events and also within our local commuinities (Tshirts - £600, Printing £400).
Our programme will help young people confidence, commuincation skills, leadership skills, team work, problem solving and its really fun to be part of. We believe that young people make a meaningful and important contribution as leaders in sport, and that young people should have access to a range of opportunities of leadership roles which reflect their interests and abilities.
Active Girls Committee
2024-09-16 • No comments • • Garnock Valley
Through following these key principles we hope to have the impact that young girls and females in sport can feel that they have a voice within their community, help make decisions in sport and feel unstoppable. Furthermore, we aim for this committee to help increase:
- Increased opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity
- Improved access to leadership opportunities and roles in school and community sport
- Greater recognition of the power of girls to motivate and inspire their peers and more opportunities to do so
- Enhanced knowledge and understanding of workforce delivering PE, sport and physical activity to girls and young women
We would like to buy t-shirts supported by our Active Schools staff, so that future years can be identifiable when taking future workshops or extra cirriculm clubs in the local area. (T-shirts & printing - £700)
We would also like to be able to purchase a speaker for any Active Girls event that we run as a committee North Ayrshire wide or within out local clusters (Speaker £300)
Our programme will help young people confidence, commuincation skills, leadership skills, team work, problem solving and its really fun to be part of.