Dalry Parent Council - Uniform Swap Shop

Investment project code: 706
Estimated Price
We have been running our Uniform Swap Shop at Dalry Primary for a few years which is a way to reduce the cost of living for our local community. As well as a benefit to the local community, it also saves money and helps the environment! We understand the importance of a school uniform for children's self-confidence and a sense of belonging to a community. We are looking for funds to add to our resources for the swap shop and in turn, being able to match all requests for support to any family.Description
We are aiming to tackle the cost of living crisis by adding to the items in our shop, which is open to all parents and carers of Dalry Primary pupils. The project will be a continuation of our current swap shop, however funds will allow us to be more resourceful and efficient at filling all requests and referrals that come through. We are looking to fund clothing in sizes that we don't currently have and winter items such as hats, gloves and tights.
The cost of living crisis is still affecting a lot of local families and this helps to lessen that by offering free uniforms to families in need. Referrals are dealt with in the strictest of confidence, to ensure trust and reduce any fear or anxiety about asking for help. As well as referrals, the uniforms are put out at school events and parents night for anyone to help themselves.
We get donations from parents and carers throughout the year, however we don't have all sizes or requests available and we want to ensure we can help anyone in need. All donations are washed before being passed on.
Wearing a uniform gives children a sense of pride, self-confidence and a feeling of belonging. It also eliminates the pressures on students to wear expensive and trendy clothing to fit in with peers, therefore keeps everyone the same and easily identifiable!
We estimate £1000 would be a brilliant start to allow us to stock sizes and items that we don't currently have, adding to clothing donations that we collect in from the community at parents nights and school events. A breakdown of the £1000 spend would be:
Fleeces = £17 x 10 = £170
Poloshirts: £10 x 20 = £200
Jumpers: £14 x 20 = £280
Trousers:£7 x 15 = £105
Skirts:£7 x 15 = £105
Hats: £6 x 10 = £60
Gloves:£3 x 10 = £30
Tights: £5 x 10 = £50
Dalry Parent Council - we love supporting our young people, school and wider community!
Location: Dalry, North Ayrshire
Proposed on behalf of: Dalry Parent Council
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