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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £11,840

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North Ayrshire Champions Board

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  laurissamonaghan  •  Irvine

Group of secondary age pupils who are expeirenced who come together monthly to discuss the things in care that affect them.  The time is also used to build friendships and develop new skill s like team building, event planning and much more. We are looking to use the funds to enable us to become a more established group and to buy resources that we can use to make stuff that help us stand out such as tshirts, badges ect.   Our main aim is to buy resources such as arts equipment and distraction tools that we can create a calming box for other care experienced young people in our locality/school that we can give out which also can include information on our group to let them know we are here for them but we would also include print out's that may be helpful to them in their care journey. 

£200 - Merch

£800 - Resources

Night time Soccer

Night Time Soccer and Flytying

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Fullarton Hub  •  Irvine

Night Time Soccer and Fly Tying are the choice of activities by the young people. The age range cover 8 years to 25 years old and will be split across 2 age ranges.

Soccer Training -  3 hours per session at £22.50 per hour x 2 sessions = £135 per week for an 8 week taster.

This will run over the course of a year, Fullarton HUb are providing the flood lit pitch free of charge and are seeking furthter funding to continue this beyiond the 8 week period. There will be no charge for the participants as the cost of living crisis means households have no money for leisure activities. We want this to be as inclusive as possible.

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Irvine and Dreghorn Youth Brass Band

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Alister C  •  Irvine

We are a community youth brass band based in Dreghorn. Our youth brass band plays at various events each year e.g. community concerts, school events, festivals, Christmas carolling. We also provide free or low cost after school music lessons and equipment for young people. We have c. 45 members in our groups. Young people who participate in our bands and our audiences obtain mental well-being and educational and personal development benefits from musical activity. Our members come from schools all over North Ayrshire (we have c. 10 schools represented).

Any funding obtained would go towards our uniform costs and supporting attendance and National Youth Brass Band of Scotland courses.

Our young people have yellow hoodies which identifies us at concerts and festivals and gives us an identity and encourages team behaviours. Although we pass hoodies down we need to replenish the sweatshirts regularly as they wear out and young people grow. We are requesting funds for 25 hoodies to replace worn out ones and replenish stocks.

Several of our young people are members of the National Youth Brass Band of Scotland (NYBBS). We actively encourage participation as it supports musical and personal development. The band provides a small subsidy for members attending of the residential summer course each year. The courses last one week and are expensive. In 2024 we had 7 young people attend the course and the band provided a £100 subsidy, however parents / families provided most of the cost. We hope to increase attendees in 2025 (we are estimating 8) and we’d like to provide a larger subsidy and also remove finance as a barrier to any young person attending. Part of the requested amount will go towards our subsidy fund for attendees.  NYBBS residential course has master classes, small group practice and full band rehearsals to provide the opportunity for some serious music making for the students while ‘extra curricular’ events take place too. Culminating in an end of course concert. Almost 200 students took part during 2024 and we’d love to increase the North Ayrshire representation. Costs breakdown : Uniform - hoodies    25 @ £18 = £450 NYBBS attendee subsidy  8 @ £60 = £480 Total £930 Additional NYBBS subsidy costs to be provided from band funds / other fundraising.   


Tourette Scotland - West of Scotland Support Group

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  JULIEW  •  Irvine

We are hoping to arrange sports coaching sessions for our young people at The Portal in Irvine. We are also hoping to arrange a visit to Bouncestation - a local play and activity centre. We think it is really important to promote positive physical and mental health in young people who are struggling to cope with the challenges that Tourette's bring. Tourette Syndrome is a complex neurological condition. Many of our young people suffer from social isolation; difficulties at school; judgement from others; dealing with regular health-related appointments; and various other challenges. Our group, based in Irvine, is a safe space for young people - and their families - to meet in person with other young people living with Tourette's. We offer arts and crafts, sporting games and board games at our regular meetings. The aim of our group is to have everyone feel included, supported and understood. 

We are hoping to put on six sports sessions throughout the year in addition to our support meetings at Bridgegate in Irvine. 

Cost to hire out Portal space and a sports coach - £100 per session. 

Cost to take 20 participants to Bouncestation - £310

Cost to cater sporting events - £90


Total cost: £100 x 6 = £600




                                                 =              £1000

Irvine Meadow 2013

Irvine Meadow 2013s

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  IrvineMeadow2013  •  Irvine

Irvine Meadow 2013s has a squad of 22.  The team train twice a week between The Circuit and Greenwood and play in the North Ayrshire Soccer Association league each Saturday, come rain, hail or shine! Our football team plays a huge role in supporting the well-being of all the children and families involved, from encouraging health and fitness, to promoting team-work and building long-lasting friendships.  

We are hoping to take the full squad to a tournament in Skegness in April 2025.  The squad are all born in 2013 and currently vary between age 10 and 11.  All will be 11 or 12 come the date of the tournament in April 2025.    As with many local clubs funding can be a main challenge.  We aim to keep the costs per month as low as possible for families, but the team still requires equipment, parks to train and play on and as we have now moved to 9 a-side, a referee for all games.  We have had some fantastic support from local businesses who have kindly sponsored their training kits and match-day strips.  

The squad are so excited to be attending a 3 day football tournament in England next year and we have been fundraising for this to try and reduce the cost to families.  Ideally, we would love it if we could provide the funding for each players accommodation costs - at a cost of £150 per player.  

We have successfully held a race night in which we made a profit of £923.00 and at the weekend we have a family yoga and polar dip event being held at Irvine beach and we are hoping to raise a further £300.00.  We will continue to hold some events over the coming months to raise as much money for the team as we can to further reduce the overall cost to families.  

As a team we are very conscious of each families financial position and would love to fully fund each players costs, to reduce the overall cost to each family.  This would be a massive help towards the whole trip.  A full breakdown of the tournament costs involved are detailed below.

We are applying for this grant of £1,000 which will be used to split between all the 22 players of the team.  Each players accommodation costs are £150.00 per person.  If successful, this grant will be split evenly between the players meaning they would get £45.45 towards their accommodation costs which would be fantastic. 

Tournament Cost - £189.00 (2 teams registered £94.50 per 9 a-side team)

Player Accommodation Cost - £3,300.00 (22 players x £150.00 per player based on basic caravan at Butlins Skegness)

Total Accommodation Costs for players and their families - £13,200 (22 players and their families x £600.00 based on basic caravan at Butlins Skegness)


Young Ambassador Conference

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Martyn2131  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

We are looking to pay for venue hire, t-shirts and/or badges for the young people to feel part of something bigger, and the possibility of an external training qualfication. The benefit of this training will see around 200 young people in the Irvine locality and across North Ayrshire gain the neccessary skills to be able to do public consultation, plan sports clubs and promote them to ensure high numbers of young people are physically active in their community. Rough costs would be as below:

Venue Hire - £360

Qualification for the Young People - £300

T-Shirts and/or badges - £340.

Total - £1000.


Green class room

2024-09-09  •  1 comment  •  IRVINE SEA CADET  •  Irvine

Irvine sea cadets current classroom has been destroyed due to weather conditions last year. As a non profit and only funded by donations we are looking to remove and replace the old classroom and build a new one. Irvine Sea Cadets currently have around 25-30 cadets who require training at different levels to progress.  The cadets will do as much work as they can with support from volunteers and donations of work people's time. Costing will cover some of the price for removal of old unit which is around, £5000 some paint for the inside when the classroom is ready £100 and some tools to complete the job 

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Irvine Royal Academy Parent Council - Mental Health Matters

2024-09-07  •  No comments  •  irvineroyalpc  •  Irvine

We wish to provide resources for pupil Mental Health Ambassadors (S5 and 6 pupils) to help them develop a safe space in the school where all young people can access support for their mental health. All Mental Health Ambassadors will receive training - the Parent Council will use Youth PB Funding to cover travel expenses and certificates/badges. Badges will ensure all Mental Health Ambassadors are easily identifiable to all young people in the school to approach if they want support.

  • Resources for safe space eg. posters, beanbags, fidget toys - £300
  • Travel expenses/badges/certificates - £200

In addition, we wish to increase awareness and challenge attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin gender-based violence, through the promotion of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) programme. This programme, aimed at S5 and 6 pupils, addresses physical violence, name-calling, sexting, coercive and controlling behaviour and harassment, which all have an impact on young people's mental health. The MVP programme supports young people to positively influence the attitudes and behaviours of their peers. Pupils will receive training which will then allow them to become MVP mentors to deliver programmes to Primary 7 pupils through to S3 pupils, with a focus on encouraging young people to become active bystanders, by challenging and reporting gender-based violence. The Parent Council will use Youth PB Funding to cover training travel expenses, and certificates/badges. The 16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence Campaign, beginning 25th November, will be promoted by MVP mentors in the school through planned events (still to be decided) which the Parent Council hope to fund through Youth PB Funding. 

  • Travel expenses/badges/certificates - £200
  • Cost of snacks for pupils involved in the 16 Days Of Action - £100
  • Planned events run by MVP Mentors - £200
North Ayrshire Darts Academy

North Ayrshire Darts Academy

2024-09-09  •  No comments  •  Rosalyn17  •  Irvine

We are a non profit and self funded ever expanding youth darts academy and our members have grown considerably since January we currently have a waiting list of 10 youths awaiting a space at NADA.  We are always needing new dart boards due to the numbers of children using them, we also host Scottish ranking competitions throughout the year and need top of the range boards for these dsays.  We pride ourselves on supplying the necessary equipment to youths who may not be able to afford them such as sets of darts, cases, shirts and stems/flights.

8 x Winmau Blade 6 dart boards(£64.99 each)

5 shirts (Various sizes) £20 each

Sets of darts, Stems, flights



Dreghorn Primary School Show -Annie Jnr

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  DreghornPrimaryPC  •  Irvine

Dreghorn Parent Council are very keen to enhance and develop additional opportunities and experiences for all the pupils at Dreghorn Primary. 

In March 2025 the school is putting on a performance of Annie this is a fantastic opportunity for all Primary 5 -7 pupils. 

There is always a buzz around school and with auditions and rehersals starting this week,  it's going to be an exciting 6 months. 

Through participation in Annie the children have the opportunity to develop their confidence. They will learn new skills in acting, singing, dancing, production, costume creation, make up and set design. So many options for as many children as possible to be involved in: a huge team effort. 

As they learn new skills they will improve their abilities and belief in themselves, a real chance to help nurture and support the wellbeing of our children. 

When asked about being part of the school show the children were bursting with enthusiasm. We were told " One of my favourite things to do is sing, it makes me feel happy" Another child said " I feel more confident in music and dancing so I am excited to show how good I can be because that doesn't always happen in class." 

Reflecting on a previous show one child remembered " Matilda was so fun and made me feel a real part of the school so I want to take part in the show again." 

We would like that same opportunity for lots of our children. Giving them the chance to fire up their imagination can be crucial in their development. We want to enhance their thinking, playing and learning. 

The £1000 budget will help fund many aspects of the production:  £250 for lighting, £250 for costumes, £250 for set design, and £250 for sound to name but a few of the costs incurred. 

The children are at the heart of the production raising their voices performing to a packed audience over 2 nights. Aswell as the on stage dramatics they will also be involved in advertising and programme production and children will select guests of honour to invite to their show. 

Due to the cost of living crisis many children do not have the same opportunities to attend expensive dance,drama and singing classes out with school. Our statistics show us that currently 71% of pupils in P5-7 reside within Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) levels 1-4. Therefore by supporting the show our aim is regardless of background and financial situation all pupils will have the opportunity to participate. 

We want as many of our children to say 

"The show is a big part of school life and its so fun" Singing and dancing help me feel happy and clear my head. I would love to have a part to build my confidence."

We really appreciate and value your assistance to help us support our stars of the show.