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Investment projects with scope: Irvine

Total budget £11,840

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Empowering Girls Through Rugby

2024-09-13  •  No comments  •  Victoria Frater  •  Irvine

This initiative promotes gender equality by encouraging participation and boosting confidence. The U14s Girls Team, which currently has 7 regular players, which has doubled since August 2023 and they are currently using the Irvine Ladies’ old kit designed for men, not tailored for female players. By providing gender-specific rugby kits, we aim to ensure the girls feel comfortable and better prepared, enhancing their performance and overall experience on the field. Through our attached development plan, we aim to increase the number of girls playing over the next few years. Introducing a dedicated kit will boost visibility, encourage participation, and reinforce our commitment to gender equality in sports, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment that empowers female players to thrive.

The proposed costs are for 12 of each:

Female fitted shorts £200

Female fitted rugby shirts £800

Night time Soccer

Night Time Soccer and Flytying

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Fullarton Hub  •  Irvine

Night Time Soccer and Fly Tying are the choice of activities by the young people. The age range cover 8 years to 25 years old and will be split across 2 age ranges.

Soccer Training -  3 hours per session at £22.50 per hour x 2 sessions = £135 per week for an 8 week taster.

This will run over the course of a year, Fullarton HUb are providing the flood lit pitch free of charge and are seeking furthter funding to continue this beyiond the 8 week period. There will be no charge for the participants as the cost of living crisis means households have no money for leisure activities. We want this to be as inclusive as possible.

Our pledge (posed by models)

Ghillie Dhu Crew

2024-09-10  •  No comments  •  Ghillie Dhu Crew  •  Irvine

The Ghillie Dhu groups were recognised by the SCVO as a voluntary organisation in May 2024 (Organisation name; Friends of the Ghillie Dhu, reg number; 8890). The groups have been in existence for 5 years. Referrals come mainly from North Ayrshire Council's Children & Families teams throughout North Ayrshire, parents can refer children and the group includes some whose adoptive parents have found the groups to be the only organisation in which their children recieve the high level of adult support to allow them to participate fully and have a positive experience.The aim of the group is  helping the children to trust and regulate their emotions, to promote kindness to others and to help the children learn social skills which can help them  progress to participating in mainstream community children's organisatiions. The group continued online throughout Covid restrictions and the children have shown continuing enthusiasm for attending. We have our own Face Book page - The Ghillie Dhu Crew, pleased look us up and like. 

There are two groups (over and under 8's) which meet in the Volunteer Rooms in Irvine, only the cost of the venue is met by the council. The costs of activities, crafts, the group sweatshirts with our logo and the children's evening snacks and celebrating events, such as Halloweeen are all met by fund raising. The children's sweatshirts need replacing (app £18 each) and the cost of craft and other materials is £250-300 per year. It is hoped that in the new session, 2024/2025 funding will stretch to organising guests who could provide therapeutic experiences such as puppet making and animal& wildlife awareness. The amount applied for is to assist with all these costs. 


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Irvine Meadow 2009

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Irvine Meadow2009  •  Irvine

As a club we are always trying to improve the opportunities available to the children however we are constantly coming up against financial barriers due to the rising costs of hiring pitches, referee fees, coaches education and general equipment. We are currently raising money to take the team to a football tournament in Barcelona during the easter holidays 2025 which is a 5 night stay including 4 days of football for the children. This is a great opportunity for the team to socialise and have a weekend with their family and friends whilst playing competitive football. Some of the boys in the team have never been abroad so this is a huge opportunity for them and being accepted for this grant would help us reach our target ensuring that no boy misses out due to the cost for their family. The club are trying to cover the cost of the boys to reduce the amount that families need to pay however if we manage to raise more then we can reduce the costs further for families.

Cost of tournament fee - £140

Cost of accommodation for players - £4087

Cost of accommodation including parents - £12305

Irvine Victoria 2015 Football Team

2024-08-26  •  No comments  •  Irvinevics2015  •  Irvine

We started up Irvine Victoria 2015 in 2021 to bring another local club in to the community that we all live in.

We started out training at Irvine Victorias park with 8 children we are now sitting at 22 kids signed upto us all from Irvine and the surrounding areas we have went from fun 4s to fun 5s to now playing 7 a side football in the north ayrshire league.


We currenty train twice a week at Greenwood academy and play our league games on a Sunday morning.


The biggest issues we are currently facing at this moment in time is funding and finances we have always charged the parents £20 per month for each of the kids this inturn pays for all there training and match days we supply the kids with a training kit, a playing strip, a jumper and a rain jacket for the winter. This is all payed for through sponsors which we struggle to find because we feel like local businesses dont get much out of sponsoring a 9 year olds football team.

We have stayed true to the parents throughout our grassroots journey and havent increased fees as we know the financial world we are in at the moment is horrendous so we took the decision as a club to make sure that we arent putting anymore financial worry onto them so when it comes to our Invoices from KA in the winter months we are barely breaking even throughout these months.


Any help we could possily get to help towards all the things mentioned above would be fantastic.


If you require any further information please let me know


Colin Wilson

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Irvine Royal Academy Parent Council - Mental Health Matters

2024-09-07  •  No comments  •  irvineroyalpc  •  Irvine

We wish to provide resources for pupil Mental Health Ambassadors (S5 and 6 pupils) to help them develop a safe space in the school where all young people can access support for their mental health. All Mental Health Ambassadors will receive training - the Parent Council will use Youth PB Funding to cover travel expenses and certificates/badges. Badges will ensure all Mental Health Ambassadors are easily identifiable to all young people in the school to approach if they want support.

  • Resources for safe space eg. posters, beanbags, fidget toys - £300
  • Travel expenses/badges/certificates - £200

In addition, we wish to increase awareness and challenge attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin gender-based violence, through the promotion of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) programme. This programme, aimed at S5 and 6 pupils, addresses physical violence, name-calling, sexting, coercive and controlling behaviour and harassment, which all have an impact on young people's mental health. The MVP programme supports young people to positively influence the attitudes and behaviours of their peers. Pupils will receive training which will then allow them to become MVP mentors to deliver programmes to Primary 7 pupils through to S3 pupils, with a focus on encouraging young people to become active bystanders, by challenging and reporting gender-based violence. The Parent Council will use Youth PB Funding to cover training travel expenses, and certificates/badges. The 16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence Campaign, beginning 25th November, will be promoted by MVP mentors in the school through planned events (still to be decided) which the Parent Council hope to fund through Youth PB Funding. 

  • Travel expenses/badges/certificates - £200
  • Cost of snacks for pupils involved in the 16 Days Of Action - £100
  • Planned events run by MVP Mentors - £200

Young Ambassador Conference

2024-09-19  •  No comments  •  Martyn2131  •  Official position 1  •  Irvine

We are looking to pay for venue hire, t-shirts and/or badges for the young people to feel part of something bigger, and the possibility of an external training qualfication. The benefit of this training will see around 200 young people in the Irvine locality and across North Ayrshire gain the neccessary skills to be able to do public consultation, plan sports clubs and promote them to ensure high numbers of young people are physically active in their community. Rough costs would be as below:

Venue Hire - £360

Qualification for the Young People - £300

T-Shirts and/or badges - £340.

Total - £1000.

Greenwood Youth Forum

2024-09-18  •  No comments  •  Greenwood Youth Forum  •  Irvine

We hope to use the funding to help develop our young peoples confidence and wellbeing to become a more affective youth forum, it will also help our mental and physical wellbeing. If we have an issue we discuss them as a forum and seek advice from our workers. We will be more physically active increasing our health and well being  

Cost of Arran Outdoor Centre - £122 Per person x 8 people = £976

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5th Dreghorn Rangers

2024-09-04  •  No comments  •  oliviaerinhughes  •  Irvine


  • The current hall cost is £88 a year 
  • End-of-year badge cost per girl £20
  • Craft budget £150

We would also like to seek funding to organise a camping trip for the girls. Due to the small nature of the group, we have more difficulty in finding funding opportunities to arrange an end-of-year trip. The cost per girl would be £50, this would be a total cost of £600 to stay at the Blair activity centre with 3 leaders. This is the minimum cost as we would need funding for food £150, resources £200 and badges £30.


Green class room

2024-09-09  •  1 comment  •  IRVINE SEA CADET  •  Irvine

Irvine sea cadets current classroom has been destroyed due to weather conditions last year. As a non profit and only funded by donations we are looking to remove and replace the old classroom and build a new one. Irvine Sea Cadets currently have around 25-30 cadets who require training at different levels to progress.  The cadets will do as much work as they can with support from volunteers and donations of work people's time. Costing will cover some of the price for removal of old unit which is around, £5000 some paint for the inside when the classroom is ready £100 and some tools to complete the job