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Community Campus 5K Funday

C contact_me_lj  •  2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Three Towns  • 

Investment project code: 734

Estimated Price



Following the success of the quickly put together event last year, we would like to make this year Campus 5K Funday even better. In planning with some of the young people, a more carnival type feel was agreed upon. We are looking into making the 5K run a colour dash, which just makes it a bit more bright and exciting. We would also like to have some music and games to keep everyone involved and entertained.


We are looking to secure funding so that we can create a whole schools/campus event, that will have something for everyone from Winton EYC right through to our senior in Ardrossan Academy.  This is approximately 1200 pupils. We hope to have a colour dash fun run, where participants can complete up to 5k (depending on their age and ability), this event would welcome all pupils and their families to participate.  The approximate cost per person is £3.25, so we would need to do a lot of fundraising for the event and potentially charge a small entry/participatory fee, however if we secure enough funding the costs to families will be minimal.  The event would be held as day event with various potted sports, stalls, outdoor games and the run taking place at intervals, to allow everyone the opportunity to participate.  The families willl be able to have a picnic in the park type day with lots going on around them.  A basic park run and few stalls were put together in a few weeks last year towards the end of term and the feedback from pupils, familiy members and people in the community around the park was amazing.  It was great to see everyone getting involved and enjoying the day as a community.  Some of the children had never participated in a park run and loved the idea of making it a bit more exciting which is not always cost effective for families, hence the reason we will try to keep costs affordable for all. 

Location: This project will benefit the pupils and families of Winton Primary School and Ardrossan Academy.

Proposed on behalf of: Ardrossan & Winton Parent Council

Don't have defined milestones