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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £29,288

The CAMEO Group

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Pauline79  •  Three Towns

The group meets every Wednesday, offering a welcoming safe space to bring people together. A space that is positive and supportive, allowing people to have a voice, to share experiences, to heal and to work towards better health and wellbeing. It’s free and open to all adults who find themselves struggling and feeling overwhelmed by life. The group aims to decrease social isolation while raising levels of confidence and engagement. As many of the group members have experienced trauma, addiction and/or bereavement resulting in poor self-esteem and mental health. And found themselves ‘staring at the same four walls’ before discovering the group.

The funding we're applying for would be spent as follows:

  • Sustaining the group and promoting the group to the wider community to help more people in the three towns area.
  • Staging an ‘Open Day’ style event open to the wider community to remove barriers to accessing the group. Bringing different cultures together to create a more cohesive community.
  • Weekly food provision and refreshments costs
  • Transportation and packed lunch costs for trips to destinations outside Saltcoats, to create new experiences and new memories, improving mental health

3rd Ardrossan Rainbows

2024-08-27  •  No comments  •  Kerry Elliott  •  Three Towns

We run a unit at the Ardrossan Parish Church for girls aged 4 to 7. We have 24 girls currently with a large waiting list. 

We would love to be able to take the girls to the newmilns ski slope for a trip and purchase new craft materials. It would also allow us to purchase more badges and awards for the girls. 

Free homemade meals

Food & Heat

2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  Whitlees centre  •  Three Towns

If we were to be sussessful with the funding the money would help us offer the community the free meal & hot drink 3 times per week so they are able to come along sit in the heat get a hot meal and a wee chat with friends or just to see some friendly faces in the cafe. We would love to offer this throughtout the day from morning to later afternoon as we know people have different circumstances in life and may not be able to get out early and also we want to encourage parents to come in before the school pick up as we know with the cost of living parents may skip a meal and this way they have had something warm to eat before heading home. Also we encourage anyone coming along to the cafe to charge any devices they may have including mobility scooters to try help them save some of their own electricity. We are here to help with any calls that may need to be made regarding any home issues they have, for exmaple if they have any issues with gas or electric and they are unsure how to call for help or advise. 

Cost for running over 3 days per week for 12 weeks

Food cost per week £120

£100 per week for hot drinks


Hayocks Over 50s+ Club

Hayocks Over 50+ Club

2024-09-02  •  No comments  •  over50stevenston  •  Three Towns

We hope to apply for support towards contributing to our Trips (£500) and a Christmas Dinner (£500).

Remembrance Day 2024 / HMS Dasher Memorial 2025

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  Allan (K&GCC)  •  Three Towns


Static Remembrance Day service in afternoon of Sun 10 Nov at the memorial outside the council building on New Street supported by Auchenharvie Academy, Stevenston youth organisations, including Stevenston Boys' Brigade and Scouts.


Parade from Bradshaw Street, through Dockhead Street and Hamilton Street to the war memorial on the roundabout outside Cafe Melbourne in the morning of Sun 10 Nov.  The parade will be led by the Isle of Cumbrae Pipe Band and will be supported by various organisations, such as Ardrossan Air Cadets, Ardrossan Sea Cadets, church groups and other community organisations.  The service will include the laying of approx 50 wreathes by various groups.  


HMS Dasher was a Royal Navy aircraft carrier that blew up on 27 Mar 1943 and the parade weekend is always the closest weekend to the anniversary.  Even though it was 80 years ago, we still have family members of the crew attending each year.  On Sat 29 Mar, there will be a service at sea on board the CalMac ferry, which will stop over the wrecksite. There will be wreathes laid at the memorial at Brodick ticket office.  On Sun 30 Mar, there will be a parade at the sunken garden across the road from St Peters in Chains church, where family members and community groups will have the chance to lay wreathes, flowers and other tributes

Last Christmas

The David White Hub (Sheltered Housing)

2024-09-11  •  No comments  •  The David White Hub (Sheltered Housing)  •  Three Towns

We would like to apply for funding to provide a Christmas Lunch and Party for residents, and fund a bus trip to a local shopping centre. We would also like to bring residents together for social events by providing some live entertainment afternoons. 

Christmas Lunch and Party £500

Bus Trip to Shopping Centre £340

Entertainer Fees £160

Safety Training

2024-08-29  •  No comments  •  fiona.s.mcmahon  •  Three Towns

The charity supplies thousands of second hand electical goods to those in need free of charge. This lets us recycle these items and saves them going to landfill.

To make sure that we are providing safe appliances we test every item to compliance standards. Several volunteers have already been trained but most have moved on to positive destinations and the skills need to be replaced. This one-day course covers all the skills and knowledge required to safely test, inspect and maintain portable electrical appliances.

Thank you.



2024-09-12  •  No comments  •  glennturner50  •  Three Towns

SeaSalt Streets are seeking funding to continue its successful run of events in and around Saltcoats Town Centre. These pop-up events have included a "kerbie" competition, a basketball challenge, a bird box building day and more recently, the Betsy Miller Awareness Day.

These occasions are intended to create a talking point, a feel good factor, a want to get involved, inspiring others to create their own events, thereby starting a Ripple Effect !!!

If successful, SeaSalt Streets intend to use the funding to hire 2 smoothie bikes and a life size interactive cow. The 2 smoothie bikes, 1 adult and 1 child's, each have a built-in blender which, when peddled by the individual, mixes the milk, fruit/syrup of their choice, into a healthy smoothie drink.

The interactive cow has milking teats, which, when "milked" dispenses water giving the milker the opportunity of a lifetime to "milk a cow" A unique, one-off experience which will create a lasting memory to the participants. 

Estimated costs :

  Smoothie bikes + insurance        £350.00                                      Interactive Milking Cow                £185.00                                      Smoothie Supplies  60lt milk,                                                             fruit, syrups, 250 cups                £150.00                                    2 x Operators @ 4 hrs each          £180.00                                    Delivery & set up costs                  £70.00                                      Promotional materials                   £50.00

  TOTAL                                              £985.00

The group will use this event as an opportunity to promote the Health and Well-being benefits of eating well, and by introducing regular physical activity, the individual can bring about personal change.

By involving families, SeaSalt Streets, by way of these interactive events, hope to continue to build up community spirit and create positive changes both to to individuals and the wider community. 



Saltcoats Victoria - Changing room re-development

2024-09-16  •  No comments  •  Saltcoats Victoria  •  Three Towns

Saltcoats Victoria F.C. is undertaking a redevelopment project to upgrade and expand the existing changing rooms. This renovation will create a more spacious and functional environment for home and away teams, improving the overall match-day experience. The expanded facilities will accommodate larger squads, provide better amenities, and enhance comfort for players before and after games.

Labour and Materials: £1,000

Community Hub of Hope

Community Hub of Hope

2024-08-26  •  No comments  •  Amy Nolan  •  Three Towns

At our get togethers every second Sunday we do crafts along with providing refreshments for everyone who attends and this is free of charge. We also have a planned activity for everyone to take part in if they wish too, these range from mini pamper treatments, to meditation and even a starter class in hypnosis.  we are looking to get some funding to help towards the events that we have planned for the rest of this year these are taking families to pantomime, hold Christmas/Halloween/Family nights with games, food n movies, stocking up our food bank, buying Christmas gifts for families or offering a respite day for parents who need it and all this without the financial burden.