Love hall creative space for all

Investment project code: 472
Estimated Price
We are looking to develop our community run hall into a creative space for our users. We have been working hard to be the hub of our community again and want to have a space that is easy to utilise for artistic displays and profomances. As such we would like to update our existing stage area into a multifunctional exhibition and profomances area that can be used by new and emerging artists and profomers to showcase their works and projects.
We want to be able to give our community an area they can exhibit work or profomances without having to leave their town to do so. Our existing stage area is a great size but under utilitised at this time. We would like to invest in multifunctional boards/backdrops that can be changed to suit the need without changes being needed to the building itself. Also the existing curtains on the stage could do with being updated as they have served the area for many years and have become very tired looking.
We are looking to apply for
£150 for curtain updating
£250 for display/back boards that can be positioned around the stage as needed.
We would also like to update the lighting in this area so if we can reduce costs in anything already mentioned then we would utilise the funds for this as well.
Location: Love hall community centre run by the volunteers group corsehill community centre association
Proposed on behalf of: Corsehill community centre association
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