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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £13,689

hayocks primary sschool.jpg

Hayocks Primary School Parent Council

2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  Hayocks primary parent council 2023  •  Three Towns

We as a Parent Council feel that since lockdown during the pandemic that  its more important now than ever that children get to socialise and mix with other children and parties are the perfect opportunity for them to do this, as this ensures that the children and young people to have the opportunity to lead a healthy and active life. We would get the children involved within the planning of the parties so that they're voices are being heard and what their preferences are. the money we are applying for would be spent on as follows:

  • Hall to hold the parties and events - £90 x3
  • Decorations  because a party isn't complete without decorations - £310
  • Entertainment - £200
  • Catering - £70 x3

With the cost of living crisis people aren't able to have parties or children aren't able to attend parties with the lack of funds within families so if we are able to take the stress away for some parents and support the mental well being of the children in the community then we would love to do so.  Our aim is to have a Valentines party for the children in February, Easter party in April and then a halloween party in October next year.


Ardrossan Parent Council

2023-09-04  •  No comments  •  Ardrossan Parent Council  •  Three Towns

Our Transition Programme is split into 3.

  1. Good Start Gift Bags 
  2. Potted Sports Event 
  3. Transition Disco 

The Parent Council aims to support all children transitioning from primary school into Ardrossan Academy, we work in close partnership with the school to enhance opportunities for our young people. Last year the newly appointed Parent Council recognised the struggles of the cost of the school day following covid and the current cost of living crisis, the is where the idea for the 'Good Start Gift Bag' came from. It ensured equality across the whole of the year group as all pupils were issued with the Bag containing school essentials. 

 The bag itself is a drawstring PE kit bag,it contains a pencil case with pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, sharpener and highlighter, a reusable tub for HE lessons, a scientific calculator and a Spanish dictionary. The cost per bag is £15. The bag is gifted in May/June 2024.

The potted sports event takes place in the astro area of Ardrossan Academy, this event promotes team building and developing friendships. The children are split into their "house" which allows them to meet peers from other primary schools prior to attending classes with them. The cost of this event is £600, this covers the cost of equipment and refreshments on the day. This event takes place in May/June 2024. 

The transition disco allows the children to meet in a much more relaxed environment and gives them another opportunity to meet the pupils the will be in classes with. The costs included in this event are dj hire and refreshments which are approximately £600. The transition disco will be in June 2024.

The estimated cost of the entire transition project is approximately £3000, depending on where we can source the best price for the items we require for the bags. We hope to recieve the full £1000 available from this application and will hold other fundraising events. 




young ambassadors

2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  Nairn  •  Three Towns

multi sports 6 metre net x 3 - £375, bazooka pop up football goals x 2 - £300, new footballs £80, new handballs x 8 - £120, bouldering crash matt £125.


Some of the Under 14's girls team and coaches at the PB Event

Ardeer Thistle Girls Under 14's

2023-09-10  •  1 comment  •  Ardeergirlsu14's  •  Three Towns

The under 14's girls team is newly established.  It already has 22 girls who have joined and the numbers are continuing to climb.  Due to the team being newly established we need to ensure we have the essential items for the girls to feel they are truly part of a team/club. 

We hope to use the funding for:

22 x Training strips £660.00

22 x Rain Jackets £572

We will be creating fundraising events to make up the additional costs. 


Winton Rovers 2009

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  Vikki29  •  Three Towns

Strips £450

Zip tops £200

Meals subsidised for the 3 days £324 (£6 per day per boy )

Scout Camp

52nd Ayrshire -Saltcoats - Group Camp for Scouts , Cubs and Beavers

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  52nd Ayrshire - Saltcoats - (Scouts , Cubs , Beavers)  •  Three Towns

52nd Ayrshire are organising a group camp for all our young people (both male and female) who attend all three of our scout sections - 50 young people plus 

The camp will take place in June 2024  from a Friday afternoon to late Sunday afternoon

During this time the group will participate in indoor and outdoor activities . Some young people will camp outdoors while others will stay inside in dormitories or hobbit huts

The activities included are:

  • Caving
  • Archery
  • Low ropes
  • Orienteering/geocaching
  • Indoor curling
  • Giant board games
  • Crafts
  • Backwoods cooking
  • Den building
  • Late night Hike and Camp Fire

During camp we will provide everyone with three 2 course hot nutritious meals as well as snacks including fruit and hot and cold drinks through the day


Dykesmains PS Parent Council

2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Dykesmains  •  Three Towns

We would like to develop the area for forest school, allowing the family learning programme to continue, with den making, outdoor cooking and growing.  The following items would be required: Outdoor tarpaulens £100, den-making kit £120, discovery table £250, explorer kits £150, outdoor cooking equipment £180, outdoor storage £200.  This would allow the pupils to utilise these facilities in their learning and in their playtime.  In addition, with coordination from the eco group and family learning, they will be able to continue with learning for sustainability and allowing parents/ carers and siblings to access these lessons as after school workshops.  These have been very successful in the past at bringing our school community together, but requires some additional funding for the resources.  Unfortunately, some our outdoor features were vandalised recently and now need to be secured in outdoor storage.

Ready for action.

Paddle boards

2023-08-31  •  No comments  •  A J Dodds  •  Three Towns

The unit currently has single person paddle boards but these are unsuitable for younger persons who would not be able to operate them. The unit seeks funding to purchase large paddle boards which hold 6 to 8 young persons. This would allow more young persons to try paddle boarding.

We do not need to buy any safety equipment as we are well stocked with them. The equipment is stored in a locked garage at the scout hall.


North Ayrshire ice hockey club

2023-09-06  •  No comments  •  North Ayrshire wild  •  Three Towns

Our club supports people of all ages, providing exercise, descipline, respect and self belonging. We have incorporated session to support children with additional needs, removing those barriers and allowing them to take part and belong to a club. Exercise can improve your sense of control, coping ability and self-esteem. People who exercise regularly often report how good achieving a goal makes them feel.


Ardeer Thistle 2015's

2023-09-03  •  No comments  •  ll88  •  Three Towns

Most of the boys have already been supplied with a new kit, but being able to expand the team further, giving more children the opportunity to join a community team, we would need to supply kit to an extra 5 kids at a cost of £105 per person, totalling £525. This means all of the boys will match at tournaments and in playing within the leagues. Across the winter we would also like to be able to book all weather pitches or indoor facilities to allow training to continue without extra costs to our families. This will cost £120 per month, November to February, at a cost of £480. In total, we would request £1000 to cover all costs.
