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Brodick Parent Council Eco Group Project

B Brodick Parent Council  •  2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Arran  • 

Investment project code: 362

Estimated Price



Brodick Parents have been working together for years to develop the school playground for the benefit of children and their families.  The local village nursery has recently attached onto the school, which is great to have all of the children together but it does reduce the space that the children have to play and work in.  The playground is mostly tarmac and therefore the only soft area that can be used is a small grass space that parents fundraised for years ago but has been halved in size due to the nursery build. We would like to make the best use of this space and turn it into an area that all children and their families can benefit from during school events and also community events.  


We have a group of parents who would be keen to volunteer their own time to build planters for the area, collect soil and fill the planters and be on hand for food demonstrations and school and community events.  We would like to help the children to create a garden where children and their families can enjoy outdoor time and use their senses.  We think that having planters and benches will provide an additional safe outdoor space and the children will have the chance to learn at the same time.  We would purchase recycled benches which would be long lasting and better for the environment and hold an open day once complete to invite children and families to.

Planters @£100 x 4 = £400

Soil (free from council tip)

Polytunnel £50

Recycled plastic benches £400

Seeds and bulbs £30

total = £880

Location: Brodick Primary School Parent Council have recently appointed a new chairperson. We are a large group of parent volunteers with the wellbeing of every child in Brodick School our priority.

Don't have defined milestones