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Investment projects with scope: Arran

Total budget £4,971

Arran Junior Football

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Isle of Arran Sports Clubs  •  Arran

3 teams from the Isle of Arran will travel to the mainland to compete in 3 different competitive tournaments. Young people from Arran rarely get the opportunity to play competitive sport, down to the lack of teams on the Isle of Arran, as well as the challenges around travel. We’re thrilled to be able to offer this to over 50 young people on the island.

To be able to do this, we’d need financial support for the following –

Transport costs (Bus/Boat) - £250 per match

Referee hire - £50 per match

Equipment (bibs/balls/cones/kit) - £100


Activities for young people on Arran

2023-09-15  •  No comments  •  GraemeAYF  •  Arran

AYF provides lunchtime drop-in at the high school & weekly clubs. These include lacrosse, music jam, guitar tuition, art psychotherapy, girls football, P7 club & youth club. We also provide activities in school holidays including go-karting, paintball, Flip Out, Alton Towers. Funding would support this & ensure our activities remain free to young people. As young people involvement is such a key part of AYF, young people engaged in the project will have a say on how funds would be spent, but costs might include c. £500 on equipment (new Xbox/Switch/Playstation games, board/card games, lacrosse gear, etc) and c. £500 on activities (trips to football matches, cooking ingredients, hall/astro hire for Friday nights etc)


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Multi-Sports Club

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Isle of Arran Sports Clubs  •  Arran

Over 50 young people from across all 7 primaries on the island come together to participate on a Wednesday afternoon at a P5-P7 multi-sports club, where pupils participate in a variety of sports. It’s important for youngsters in smaller schools to engage with peers of a similar age, which is something that doesn’t always happen. This is a chance for youngsters to build relationships from different villages, which also prepares the young people for transition into secondary school.

There are a number of costs to make this possible –


Transport costs (taxi for pupils from further afield) - £500

Equipment (balls, bibs, cones, fun games) - £250

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Arran Young Sports Leaders

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  Isle of Arran Sports Clubs  •  Arran

Dedicated Young Sports Leaders attend a number of programme and island wide events throughout the year, undertaking a number of roles such as refereeing/umpiring, leading workshops, setting equipment up for events etc. It’s important for the group of Young Sport Leaders to be recognisable to staff and participants, as well providing a sense of community for the groups of Leaders.


We would require financial support to purchase t-shirts/hoodies and embroidery.


Kit –

£30 per hoodie

£10 per t shirt

Embroidery - £4 per item

(total of 20 young people)

Shinty Class

Arran Junior Shinty Club

2023-09-08  •  No comments  •  Ann Mochan  •  Arran

Our coach Bobby travels each week from the Isle of Bute to deliver a session after school on a Monday.  Bobby gives his time free of charge, we do however need to meet the travel expenses which he incurs.  To keep the weekly session cost as low as possible we would like support from the Youth fund. 

£500- to help cover expenses 

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Outdoor Learning/ Reading Space Kilmory Primary

2023-09-16  •  No comments  •  Katy F E Brookes  •  Arran

Removal of the old wendy house and replacement with a new one, including a new foundation.

Playhouse from

BillyOh Lollipop Max Playhouse 6 x 7 Max Platform £551

Picket Fencing Option D £59

Ecobase Fastfit Full Base £135

Decorative Wooden Window Shapes x 2 £9

Assembly Kit £25

Delivery £75
