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Dreghorn Primary Parent Council Funding Inclusive Whole School Trip

D DreghornPrimaryPC  •  2023-09-11  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Investment project code: 342

Estimated Price




Dreghorn Primary Parent Council(PC) would like to provide a trip for the whole school, this would be the first trip for years.  Pupils and Parents have expressed their desire for a whole school trip but have alluded to the challenge posed by the current cost of living crisis.  Not having a whole school trip is adversely effecting children of all ages and we want to ensure that finance is not a barrier. The PC are applying for funding to cover the cost for every child. We all have great memories of trips, we would like that for this generation.

Outdoor learning is so important to make connections between school and the real world – bringing topics alive. The extensive benefits for health and wellbeing are also well documented.

One pupil said " I enjoy trips, they are very educational because you are in a new place, learning new things that you would never be able to see in school. Another pupil told us " You get out all day to see things and its fun. I like a trip because you get to be with all your friends from the other classes and it can be good learning.




The project is to fund a whole school trip for the all the pupils who attend Dreghorn Primary School, this includes the EYC, ESR pupils and pupils in Primaries 1-7. We want to provide an fun local outdoor trip for Summer Term 2024  which will consolidate and enhance the learning from within the school environment and make memories that will last a lifetime.

In the spirit of collaboration and in support for the Community Wealth Building approach we are in discussions with local Ayrshire companies to arrange a suitable venue that can accommodate the whole school group paying particular attention to the additional requirements for our pupils within our ESR.

The cost of the whole school trip is split into 2 parts 

1) Transportation of pupils - buses. Approx cost £500. We want to endorse North Ayrshire Community Wealth Building approach and support local transport businesses within North Ayrshire.

2) Venue cost - covering the cost of the pupils, carers and as the risk assessment  states the  required teacher/helper  to child ratio cost.  Approx cost £500.

Location: Dreghorn Primary Parent Council and PTA are an active group of parents who help support our local school and pupils, we arrange many additional events for our pupils including discos, fayres, treasure hunts and competition aswell as providing links with the school for parents.

Don't have defined milestones