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Irvine Media Club

T Taylor McInroy  •  2023-09-05  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Young people out on location.
Young people out on location.

Investment project code: 267

Estimated Price



Irvine Media Club has been running since last Summer, and during that time over 20 young people have participated for free in a friendly, collaborative group dedicated to making films and learning about film-making. The group have already made two films, most recently a film that highlights the dangers of gambling. The Media Club is youth-led and supported by staff from Ayrshire Film Company CIC (AFC), in order to keep barriers to attending at a minimum AFC provides the equipment at no cost and has been covering the cost of room hire when there has been no funding in place. The Media Club is a great asset for young people to learn skills in all aspects of media however we have also seen additional benefits such as increased wellbeing of participants and an increase in confidence. 



We're looking for £1000 to support Irvine Media Club to continue providing high-quality opportunities for FREE to young people in Irvine and the surrounding areas. The group already have 2 ideas in development for their next film and have plans for more.

We're seeking £1000 to go towards Room Hire costs at Fullarton Community Centre where the Media Club meets on a weekly basis, the total costs for 12 months would approximately be £1380 however we would cover the additional cost through our social enterprise activity. 


Location: Ayrshire Film Company CIC are a video production social enterprise who are committed to giving high-quality opportunities to young people across Ayrshire in all aspects of new media.

Don't have defined milestones