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Kids Air Space

F Fullarton Hub  •  2023-09-04  •  No comments  •  Irvine  • 

Air Space in Action (permissions granted)
Air Space in Action (permissions granted)

Investment project code: 247

Estimated Price



Fullarton Hub facilitates Kids Air Space twice weekly. Each session caters for up to 36 primary and secondary pupils with an acitivty based programme followed by a group meal. The parents come along, get the chance to meet with other parents, develop life skills and cook a group meal. Everyone comes together to eat and enjoy a healthy, nutricious meal. This helps address food insecurity by providing one cooked family meal per week, it helps reduce isolation, increase community participation and improve mental health and wellbeing. 


What has been highlighted, is a lack of resources at the weekend. We would like to develop the group by having away days to local places of interest and also providing food at these events. This will community led by the young people, organised by the young people and families and supported by Fullarton Community Hub. 

Arts/Craft materials: £200

Outdoor Equipment: £300

Food: £500


Location: Fullarton Hub provides a holistic range of supports to households within the Fullarton and Harbourside. As one of the top 6 ranking SIMD, . Lack of resources and access to services over the years, has resulted in lower incomes, poorer health and lower attainment skills. All of this has resulted in multiple barriers for the many individuals and families living in our community. We are looking to address this through our Air Space Porject

Don't have defined milestones