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Eligible applications: Garnock Valley

Total budget £15,232

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Montgomery Court Entertainment Committee

2023-08-31  •  No comments  •  Montgomery Court Entertainment  •  Garnock Valley

Establishing a Lunch Club £316

New Bingo Machine £200

100th Birthday Party for Resident £110

Christmas Party £110

Hot water urn £74

Catering tea pots £50



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Brass, Burns and Bairns

2023-09-14  •  No comments  •  NAC Admin  •  Official position 1  •  Garnock Valley

Brass band: £700

Hall hire: £200 (Geilsland Hall)

Choirs (youth): £150 donation schools

Refreshments: £350 (guests, audience and performers)

Parking stewards: £50

First aiders: £50

Admin: £50

Total est: £1550


We will alo have a display relating to green issues from NAC waste management team.

Watt Gardens Family and Friends

Friends and Family of Watt Gardens

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Watt Court Steering Group  •  Garnock Valley

We would like to put on lunches, coffee afternoons, arts and crafts and live entertainment for the residents at Watt Gardens in Dalry. We have broke down the costs below.

  • Musical Entertainment £250
  • Tea, coffee, milk provision £100
  • Easter Eggs £96
  • Catering £304
  • Crafting Materials £250
Polly To Plate Location

Polly To Plate

2023-09-11  •  2 comments  •  Jamie Bradford  •  Garnock Valley

Within the Garnock Valley there is a substantial amount of families and individuals who live in poverty.  A few years ago, as a charity-based organization, we felt that this is something that we should address and started to look at what we could do to help in our community. The statistics at that time found that 1 in 3 children in the Garnock Valley go to bed without a meal at dinner time. We introduced a community meal where families can get a three course meal for  £2.50 and children can eat free, we also accept referrals through the local authority and other organisations which allows families, and or individuals who are strugling with the cost of living, to eat for free. This has become very popular over the last few years with orders ranging from 55 – 125 individuals. This usually varies depending on what is on the menu that night. As well as a collection service we offer a delivery to those who are unable to get to the building, which gives an apportunity for our trained staff to check in with those who live in isolation. Currently our vegetables for our meals are purchased through a local supplier. We have discussed for some time that it would be more cost effective if we could grow our own vegetables and use these as part of the meal we provide.

Within the Community Hub we support adults with learning disabilities and as part of their daily programme, we could implement a grow your own food activity. This is something that the service users would really enjoy and are currently doing this on a much smaller scale within our garden. The ingredients could be used both for the community meals and when the service user's are making food within the training kitchen, which is where they prepare a meal from scratch to take home to eat.  The positive aspect being the reward for the time spent growing the vegetables/fruit, so that they can enjoy this as well as the most vulnerable people in our community.

We are looking to do more to help the vulnerable in Garnock Valley, by proposing to implement cooking classes for the impoverished. This venture is still in its infancy; however we are keen to develop this.  The food grown within the Polly tunnel could also be used for this project once we have the service up and running.

Polly tunnel - £500

Groundwork -£500


Engineering Employment Training

2023-08-30  •  No comments  •  Nimmo  •  Garnock Valley

We are looking to develop a training programme that will have direct links to a modern apprenticeship in engineering.  Our intention is to purchase an engine and then design and manufacture a sit on Lawnmower that the young people will be able to use in British Lawnmower Racing Association event.  Between 6-8 young people with an interest in engineering will be selected to attend a weekly training sessions lasting 90 minutes.  During this time the young people will design, manufacture and assemble the sit on lawnmower.  The one off payment of £1000 will be used to purchase an engine and through this purchase we will be able to recycle all parts and adapt the design each year to offer a similar opportunity to more young people every year. 


Dalry Action Group

2023-09-16  •  No comments  •  dalry action group  •  Garnock Valley

Throughout the year we hold fundraising events such as Bingo nights and the Halloween Disco to help raise money to put towards our christmas lights switch on, Our current lights are currently outdated and are costing more and more to repair every year, we do try to replace as many lights as we can each year but taking into account the current finiancial situation within out community we try to provide as many free activities as we can on the night so that all families can attend and enjoy.  Also we like to provide the kids with a little christmas light so they can take part in our torch and tinsel parade where they can join santa in a walk upto the town where the lights get switched on. Some of the activities we provide are Balloon Modelling, Face Painting, Mini Zoo, Santas Grotto, Alpacas, and a Fun Fair.

Balloon modelling £230

Face Painting £200

Mini Zoo £250

Give away lights for kids £400


She Shed Dalry

She Shed Dalry

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  ZLittle  •  Garnock Valley

We hope to purchase overheads to ensure we can deliver the best She Shed possible and help improve mental health and wellbeing through providing a safe space including the opportuntiy to be involved in group activities.

  • Public Liability Insurance £160
  • Room Hire £336
  • Tea, coffee drinks and buscuits £100
  • Craft Materials £274
  • Branded Items £100
  • Table Cover £30

Dalry Burns Club

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  Dalry Burns Club  •  Garnock Valley

Each Year we Sponsor both Primary Schools from P1 to P7 with prizes to the Value of £900 in Amazon vouchers, donatiing gifts for the teachers, hire of the schools,donating presents to the judges, the hire of a bus to take the parents, ,family  members, children to the Ayrshire Burns competition

£900  prizes

£100 hire

£100 gifts

£350 bus

Garnock Valley Allotment BeeKeepers at Work

Garnock Valley Allotment Association- Bee Colony Project ( Honey production )

2023-09-07  •  1 comment  •  David Graham  •  Garnock Valley

Garnock Valley Allotment Association Bee Colony and Honey Production.

Bees are pollinators. Pollinators are vital for life on earth as we know it, without them we wouldnt have potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, coffee,chocolate, cotton or honey. However Bee populations are in danger of extinction due to a number of factors such as disease, habitat loss and the impact of pesticides. Organic food production, which is practiced at the Garnock Valley Allotment Associiation is ideal for a Bee colony as it creates a safe haven for the Bees to survive. Please Bee kind and vote for the GVAA Bee Colony Project.


New Bee Hive - £250-00

Bee Suits- £250.00

New Equipment to extract and distribute Honey- £300

Training and Education eg Ayr Beekeeping Course- £200


Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Age Concern

2023-08-31  •  No comments  •  Elizabeth Johnstone  •  Garnock Valley

Bus hire is approximately £500 per day. The full amount would allow for 2  outings
