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Eligible applications: Garnock Valley

Total budget £15,232

Beith Orr Park Neighbourhood Watch (Community Garden)

2023-09-18  •  No comments  •  NAC Admin  •  Official position 1  •  Garnock Valley

Over the years since we began the garden we receive an annual inspection by the Royal Horticultural Society on behalf of Keep Scotland Beautiful.

For the last 3 years, we have had the top grade with a certificate of distinction, this by independent assessors.

Our need is to replace planters and also top soil/compost and to re-furbish the book swap cabinet doors.

The top Gazebo has been set on fire several times and we wish to make good the damage.

Also several benches have been damaged and we would like to replace 2 of these.

  • Wood for 4 planters       £320                                                                                                                          
  • Material for 2 benches     £250                                                                                                                              
  • Material for book swap doors     £ 60                                                                                                                          
  • Wood for top Gazebo                 £150                                                                                                             
  • Compost and plants                    £350                                                                                                                                                               
  • Total                                         £1130        

Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Age Concern

2023-08-31  •  No comments  •  Elizabeth Johnstone  •  Garnock Valley

Bus hire is approximately £500 per day. The full amount would allow for 2  outings

Watt Gardens Family and Friends

Friends and Family of Watt Gardens

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  Watt Court Steering Group  •  Garnock Valley

We would like to put on lunches, coffee afternoons, arts and crafts and live entertainment for the residents at Watt Gardens in Dalry. We have broke down the costs below.

  • Musical Entertainment £250
  • Tea, coffee, milk provision £100
  • Easter Eggs £96
  • Catering £304
  • Crafting Materials £250
She Shed Dalry

She Shed Dalry

2023-09-13  •  No comments  •  ZLittle  •  Garnock Valley

We hope to purchase overheads to ensure we can deliver the best She Shed possible and help improve mental health and wellbeing through providing a safe space including the opportuntiy to be involved in group activities.

  • Public Liability Insurance £160
  • Room Hire £336
  • Tea, coffee drinks and buscuits £100
  • Craft Materials £274
  • Branded Items £100
  • Table Cover £30