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Investment projects with scope: Three Towns

Total budget £24,725

Three Towns Champions Discovery Award

The Three Towns Champions Discovery Award (3TCDA)

2023-09-17  •  No comments  •  Three Towns Champions Discovery Award  •  Three Towns

The project is about getting older people who are aged 50+ active, engaged socially and involved in their community. Its about increasing resilience, improve wellness and mental health and importantly having fun and trying something new. Participants can also complete A Discovery Award. This is a great way to recognise their achievements at the group. The award has 4 key sections; a Journey of Discovery visit a place of interest and share the experience, Volunteering in the Community, a Leisure Pursuit that promotes wellness and health and finally a Hobby or Interest. 

Group members through the 3TCDA have volunteered and continue to volunteer at a great variety groups and projects such as Eglinton Park, a dementia friendly cafe, a community larder, a charity shop a community a cafe. Participants have also done dog walking for neighbours who are not physically able to do so. Through the Journey of Discovery participants have visited many local heritage sites and place of interest in North Ayrshire and further afield, they have shared their hobbies and interests with each other. We find that all of this raises’ members confidence and creates a sense of belonging, a spirit of positive ownership of community projects and contributes to our overall wellbeing. The project offers free or affordable activities to those in our community who otherwise may not be able to take part in these social and community opportunities because of the cost of living crisis.  

As the working group for the 3TCDA we are looking for funding to ensure that we can continue to offer older people accessible, positive social, interest based and accessible opportunities in the community that they live in.  

Transport costs £200

Entrance Fees - £300

Hospitality - £200

Resources for projects  - £300
