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Beith Orr Park Neighbourhood Watch (Community Garden)

N NAC Admin  •  2023-09-18  •  No comments  •  Garnock Valley  • 

Investment project code: 467

Estimated Price



Beith Orr Park Neighbourhood Watch saw a need in 2015 to begin a Community Garden at 2 – 6 Mitchell, Street Beith following the annual litter pick when the local Scouts did a clear up in this derelict area.


Over the years since we began the garden we receive an annual inspection by the Royal Horticultural Society on behalf of Keep Scotland Beautiful.

For the last 3 years, we have had the top grade with a certificate of distinction, this by independent assessors.

Our need is to replace planters and also top soil/compost and to re-furbish the book swap cabinet doors.

The top Gazebo has been set on fire several times and we wish to make good the damage.

Also several benches have been damaged and we would like to replace 2 of these.

  • Wood for 4 planters       £320                                                                                                                          
  • Material for 2 benches     £250                                                                                                                              
  • Material for book swap doors     £ 60                                                                                                                          
  • Wood for top Gazebo                 £150                                                                                                             
  • Compost and plants                    £350                                                                                                                                                               
  • Total                                         £1130        

Location: Beith Orr Park Neighbourhood Watch have been in existence since June 2007. Due to severe anti social activity around this area we decided to start a Neighbourhood Watch group and are part of Neighbourhood Watch Scotland. We have tried to integrate where and when we can with other groups and to foster good relations throughout the area including the Garnock Valley. When we had no Community Council, we ran the area litter pick for several years involving Beith, Barrmill, Gateside, Garnock Canoe club, Scouts, Guides and many more. All this helped to get the organisations working together for the betterment of the area. Following one litter pick we contacted the owner of what is now the community garden and asked permission to use it for that purpose. The garden is now well used and appreciated by many people and not only from Beith but by many from outside the area. We grow fruit and vegetables which are free to anyone who wishes to take them, these include eating apples, cooking apples, rhubarb, black currants, chives, mint, strawberries, gooseberries and potatoes. We also have a book swap where folk can deposit collect and read books free. We involve schools and other like groups and have open days where we provide entertainment and food for visitors. We have achieved the top grading for the past 3 years by the assessor from the RHS on behalf of Keep Scotland Beautiful.

Proposed on behalf of: Beith Orr Park Neighbourhood Watch

Don't have defined milestones